Violence against guardians an 'alarming trend'

Story here. Excerpt:

'In one pending case from northwest Harris County, a 16-year-old girl is being held on a charge of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon for allegedly shooting her stepfather in the head; the man, a financial consultant, survived.
When her mother, a teacher, drew the line at the boyish attire, the fighting got worse and and the girl started running away. Her stepfather took charge of the discipline, and then, about 4 a.m. on Feb. 16, the girl shot him three times as he lay with her mother in bed, Field said.

"She snapped," Field said, adding that the teen confessed to authorities a few hours after the incident.

Her stepfather still has a bullet lodged in the back of his head.'

So the idea in this case as that she told her folks she is gay. They didn't quite like it and so it created an "undercurrent of tension". She starts dressing too boyishly for her parents' tastes and her folks tell her to stop. Her step-father actually has the nerve to enforce their rules. For this she tries to murder him in his sleep and this is characterized as her "snapping".

Stories like this only reinforce my decision to remain single and child-free. I wonder what the stats are on how much of this "alarming violence" is done by daughters? Or against their fathers?

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Of the current ten blue-"headline" topics, the lack of diversity in sources is telling....

(As of 4.14.07 @ 11:30am CST.)

Anthony - 5 (50%)of topic submissions.
Matt - 2 (20%).
Evil White Male - 2 (20%).
Tom P. - 1 (10%).

Of course responding posts are more diverse, including more voices...

The over-all volume of posts on this site compares unfavorably to almost any other so-called MRA site.

How come?

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To many posts submitted stories get rejected and people stop submitting stories.

I used to submit posts but I don't anymore because very few ever got posted. I would try to be as diverse in choosing topics and stories to post as I could and it did not seem to matter the topic, very few things ever got posted. So I stopped submitting stories and just limit myself to commenting on them.

Of course this leads to only a few voices being heard and limits the appeal and people stop reading.

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Something's in the works to offer a new newsfeed alternative that anyone can submit stories to, without the need for admin moderation. I'm working out the details with the other admins right now.


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We're trying something new, as Scott said. We want you two in particular to get to see it and try it out. It's a new s/w package that allows users of a site to vote a submitted story and based on those votes, it gets bumped up in prominence. Basically, it's the ultimate democracy for postings-- the users all decide whether your post it is worth being displayed at the top at any given time, while all posts are available for reading.

If this works and turns out to be popular, it will mean... no more Matt to deal with! You will be liberated, unshackled! But also, "you won't have Matt to kick around anymore" :) Well, personally I like this idea better than an edited site, yet even if I am doing most of the editing. I will be able to focus more on other stuff as opposed to site editing/fielding accusations of censorship. (I just had to include that).

OK, go here:

Register and start posting whatever stories. We'll see how it goes.

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Tell you what you big pussy Roy; I am so glad you are keeping a tab of my posts as if there were some conspiracy against you. You, Paragon, and this entire board can go to hell. If this is what the MRA movement is, and you are a representative member, than you are no better than the whiney self-righteous catty bitches you rally against. You are an MRA and you have nothing better to do than count posts? Jesus, what a vain bitch you are. Farewell all, you've created an ex-MRA.

Evil White Male Oppressor
"I am Not a Number I am a Free Man"

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...if that's all it takes for you to drop the cause of men's rights then I'm not sure you are all that interested in being an MRA in the first place?

As for me going to hell... been there, thanks. Not interested in going back, that's why I am an MRA.

I know I for one simply like this site and would like to see more people reading it and more people contributing to it's content. That's all. I am not just interested in getting people to hear what I have to say. I was just putting forth a theory (as stated in the title of my first comment to what Roy was mentioning) about why you always only see the same few voices here and the site does not seem to be attracting and keeping new members.

I couldn't care less who is doing more posting then anyone else, I like reading all the posts and comments from everyone because we're all fighting for the same rights at the end of the day no matter which direction we are coming at the problem from.

Don't give up the fight that easily. It's giving up at the first sign of offense from the other side that we got our selves into this mess in the first place

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Gentlemen, all I did was count and report postings.

I did not seek an insurrection, or even a confessional....

Someone called me a "pussy" I recall.

That's too silly and unworthy of comment.

If the admins want to get all up in a lather about a new scheme.... it's entertaining at best.

My words are merely words-on-a-screen.

Always, and only.

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Oh, I just re-read the bait 'n switch proposition.

Matt, you just want me to do your work.


With kindness, please.....

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