The feminist who fought sexism with fire bombs faces justice

Story here. Excerpt:

"When Adrienne Gerhäuser was accused yesterday of belonging to a terrorist organisation, she resembled, in the words of her lawyer, “an ordinary 58-year-old female”, tired, shoulders hunched with tension, but somehow at ease with herself.
Committed to an urban guerrilla war against everyday sexism, Red Zora carried out more than 40 attacks, starting in 1977 with a bomb placed in the offices of the German Doctors’ Association to protest against the abortion laws. There followed attacks on sex shops and cinemas; on Siemens, Bayer and Schering; on the Philippines Embassy (blamed for the international trade in women); biotechnology institutes and the cars of pimps."

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MR orgs like F4J have spies watching them because they have guys dressing up in Superman and Spiderman suits and climbing up towers and bridges, etc. Yet some bizarre bunch of whack-os are blowing stuff up in the name of liberating "the fairer sex" from whatever they think they need liberating from and this is the first I have heard of them.

I wonder what sort of punishments other members of "Red Zora" have received, if indeed any more have been caught. Just unbelievable.

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