Female Prison Guards Are More Likely Than Males to Have Sex With Inmates
Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2007-04-10 16:18
Story here. Excerpt:
'According to government statistics, most sexual contact between corrections staff and inmates occurs between female employees and male prisoners.
Forty-seven percent of all cases of sexual abuse cases from 2000 to 2004 involved women employees and their male charges. Men were 4 percent less likely to abuse female inmates.'
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Can you believe these quotes??
From the article:
'"Most prisons for men are staffed by men and prisons for women are staffed by women. … There is limited time without someone else in the room and there is limited space. There is also a lot of pressure to learn [about these relationships]. Staff members are extremely vulnerable because the power roles have now shifted. The prisoner now has something the staff person needs. — Cooperation and quiet," Clear said.
American University's Smith said that part of the reason women formed sexual relationships — and why the public was likely to hear about those relationships — with prisoners was related to the male-dominated prison culture.
"These environments are really awful to work in and often female staff have to form alliances with male staff and inmates just to get by. … Women have a lot less protection in these environments than men. … They're not a part of the old boys network. They're not a part of management and they don't have the same sort of networking systems. … Women aren't helped in the same way," Smith said.'
Dr. Clear has his own web site: http://www.toddclear.org/
Why not let him know how you feel about his misandrist hooey? Contact info: http://www.toddclear.org/about/contact.html
As for Dr. Brenda Smith of AmU, her page is here:
Feel free to do likewise.
Nothing may be viewed through a non-feminist lense!
In FemArika EVERYTHING must be subject to a strictly feminist interpretation. Women are always the victims - even when they have 100% of the power and, body amour, clubs, cuffs, spray, semi-automatic and fully automatic weapons etc...
I just can't see how you could possibly argue that a male prisoner has power over the guards when the guards are necessary for every aspect of the prisoners very survival. There are infinite ways guards can exert power over prisoners both directly and indirectly (through other prisoners).
But, since it is completely beyond modern comprehension that women can be anything other then victims we must interpret them raping men who are desperate for survival and completely powerless as an act of submission to the helpless prisoner.
Yes, I know, some prisoners are violent and even violent towards guards. But I also know - as my best friend has been a prison guard in New York City for years - that if a prisoner attacks a guard that prisoner will pay a toll some would describe as worse then death.
If you are afraid of the prisoners girls - DON'T become a prison guard. Of course fear has ZERO to do with it - perverse attraction to 'bad boys' and power tripping form a deadly combination of violent sexual deviancy in some of these women.
If the women are the victims why are the men complaining? Since this study looked at COMPLAINTS, wouldn't one expect the VICTIM to be the ones complaining? But wait, I forgot again, men can't be victims... silly me... what was I thinking!