More Excuses For Female Criminals
Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 2007-04-09 15:52
Story here. Note the headline: "No textbook crime - Teacher-teen affairs are unprofessional but not always criminal".
According to section 153 of the Criminal Code of Canada, they are always criminal. But this doesn't stop the media from trying to find new excuses for female misbehavior.
According to "conventional wisdom", boys mature more slowly than girls. Doesn't this mean that boys need greater protection than girls from sexual predators?
Now that female teachers are actually being charged, suddenly "there needs to be a distinction between a professional boundary violation and a sex crime." Of course there was no similar outpouring of sympathy when male teachers were being charged with exactly the same crime.
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No More...
Times have sure changed. Remember the old elementary school rhyme from when school used to get out for the Summer?
"No More Teachers
No More Books
No More Teachers Dirty Looks"
How about:
Here's a link to a couple of sites listing many female perps. I believe at least one was cleared on the 2nd site.
Site 1
Site 2
And what about false accusations of rape? Some people think that in many cases that is as bad or worse than rape, yet today is rarely prosecuted AND THEN ONLY AS A MISDEMEANOR.
Here's an interesting story with a mention of certain gender feminist advocacy group.
Woman Charged With Making Up Campus Rape Story
The vast majority of men who were wrongly convicted and then cleared by DNA evidence with the help of the Innocence Project had rape among their charges.
Innocence Project
How about all the innocent men who sit rotting in jail, who actually had sex with their false accusers so no exonerating DNA evidence will ever come forward to clear them?
When will women be held accountable for their crimes: justly, fairly, equitably?
Prosecute False Accusers
When will Amerika STOP witch-hunting innocent men?
STOP America's War On Men
STOP America's War On Dads
....It's not likely to happen within our life times.
But as the lawsuits and protests begin to pile up against government agencies and outside government buildings (including police stations - anyone who does not think the police are direct government agents are fooling themselves) they'll have to notice eventually and things will slowly change.
Every new falsely accused man acquitted/exonerated who starts a new lawsuit, every protest group holding up signs and chanting and making people take notice, is all going to eventually have an impact.
It just might take along time because misandry runs to the very core of our society.
Re: No More...
How about all the innocent men who sit rotting in jail, who actually had sex with their false accusers so no exonerating DNA evidence will ever come forward to clear them?
Hopefully the Duke "rape" scandal will provoke people to stop and think about what would have happened if the accused students had engaged in consensual sex with the accuser.
Can you say "throw away the key"?