Saving Dads Illegal? Get Real : by Helen Ubiñas

Essay here.

Another update on NOW's assine lawsuit. I predict many more will expose Gandy's hypocrisy. Helen Ubinas makes some outstanding observations. Excerpt:

"The government has spent billions of dollars over the years on welfare-to-work job training programs that, if not specifically limited to women, benefit women almost exclusively. Women are specifically targeted for nutrition education in a variety of programs, including the federal Women Infants and Children program."

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You know why? Because men need to learn to show up.

"There's a big difference between closing a door of opportunity and opening one," said Village chief program officer Nelly Rojas Schwan.

It's really simple, actually: Helping men become better fathers benefits women and children.

Notice the fact that the only rebuttals being offered re NOW's attempts to get their slimy, pork-covered claws on anything a man might benefit from are being phrased in terms of how those programs might directly or indirectly benefit women, or the children they demand automatic custody of in every jurisdiction in North America. This article demonstrates clearly that the only people who matter in this culture are women. As disposable slaves, men are viewed only as a means to an end. That "end" is meeting every last possible need of women and children. The needs of men never enter the equation.

It's just as misandric to defend a program for men on the basis of how it actually benefits women or children as it is to say that men deserve nothing. I wouldn't accept benefits from such a program if there was a gun to my head.

Want to start a program that is aimed at men? Do it because men are human beings with inalienable rights, or stuff it up your fat, privileged asses, girls.

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Gandy is really my ideal definition of the modern American female -- genus: "parasiticus vampirus."

She perfectly represents the toxin that feminism has devolved into....

Women can only win when men lose.

But "what about the children?"

(The feminist punchline for their 40-year old joke on America....)

Funny how American taxpayers keep approving Kimmy-girrrlllzzz' funding at $1 billion per year, yes?

And not a single demopublican or republicrat presidential wannabee will say a word about this family genocide...

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