18-YO Female Hit And Run on a Cop Walks away from Jail
Girl hits cop with car. Girl drives off. Girl goes home. Girl googles her situation to find news reports. Girl finds news article on her hit-and-run, finds a comment thread, and confesses to what she did apparently thinking she'd get away with it. Happily the police tracked her down via her IP address, giving us one spoiled little princess with a vewwy vewwy grumpy booking photo.
The snapper?
Five thousand dollars bond; 0 dollars required. She walked hours later, without paying a dime.
She's a girl, see. And she's really, really sorry. She said so! Look how sad she is! Awwwwwww!
How many of us Y chromosome bearers could pull off a stunt like that and not be quietly beaten to death with telephone books before the clock struck midnight?
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