"How the Failure of Welfare Reform Created Our Lawless Courts (Part Three)"

Essay here. Excerpt:

"...all of the gender inclusive language added in the 2000 reauthorization of VAWA and what was proposed by the Senate in 2005 was struck out, deleted... Throughout H.R.3402, every line of text that provided protection, support, and services to male victims of domestic violence from all the other bills of the 109th Congress and prior Congress' additions were completely removed or modified, excluding men."

Contrast what happened here to what NOW is trying to do to the Promoting Responsible Fatherhood Initiative. The blatant anti-male 2x-standards should come as no surprise, but they do continue to shock the conscience of the fair-minded.

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This is becoming so tedious.

Feminism IS a HATE-movement.

It has roots in the KKK, and has evolved accordingly through neo-Marxist gender wars with much success.

For a true feminist, every man is dismissed and reconciled to slavery as the "other."

An alien. An enemy. An oppressor. A fool.


Just read Kim Gandy's words.

It frightens me to know that she has a husband, and children....

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