Man falsely charged with sexual assault by multiple women sues police

Story here. Excerpt:

"Maurice Kondell was helping out behind the counter at a Wendy's fast food outlet on May 19, 2004, when a team of police officers walked in, clamped handcuffs on his wrists and led him away to face sexual assault charges.

Reeling in shock and humiliation, Mr. Kondell -- the first black person to become a part-owner of a Wendy's franchise -- learned that a staff member claimed he had thrust his hand down her pants one evening during a cleanup."

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What I find really annoying about this is the the victim Mr Kondell is ONLY asking for a measly $5 million dollars Canadian as compensation.

This is almost April 2007. Why did it take the authorities almost 3 damned years to see through the false accusations? Of course this parallels the Duke Lacrosse scandal here in the US. There has not been any rush to enact laws to prosecute false rape accusers here so I doubt if Canada will lead the way in this area of the law because of this case.

Oh, and I just bet the false accusers will get off with unsupervised probation if that! Can't stigmatize any woman who cries rape you know.

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. . .is to develop and wear a personal electronic constant surveillance system.

And yes, I know that's just a partial solution -- it's by no means a certain guarantee of self-protection from false accusations.

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I have several ongoing lawsuits against those who were involved in falsely accusing me.

When I was accused it took almost two years before the charges came to trail and I was acquitted on all counts. It takes what seems like an eternity in Canada for any case like this to get to trail and the civil suits afterwards can take half a decade or more to reach a conclusion especially with the police and the Province because they will never under any circumstances admit wrong doing of any kind and they make excuse after excuse after excuse to prolong things [which of course the justice system allows them to do because they are the justice system] hoping you'll give up and go away. Suing is almost as bad as waiting for trial in the first place because of the infinite frustrations involved when going after police and government bodies. The only difference is that there is a reward at the end if you stick to it instead of the dread of going to prison for a crime you did not commit.

Hopefully there will eventually be so many of us suing them that the laws will begin to change to prevent false accusations in the first place.

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I wish this guy would sue Wendy's, the girls, and the police for every penny he can get, for sex and race discrimination/creating a hostile work environment (Wendy's), filing false allegations (the girls), and unlawful detainment (the police).


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a digital memory turned up in a sidebar on Scientific American. Wear it or keep it near all the time and see how far false accusations get! Hope they get to market sometime soon.

Eye witness evidence is notoriously unreliable. Maybe this idea will gain popularity with men. Think how it would help in the matter or consent, for example...

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