Hillary Clinton receives endorsement from NOW

Story here. Excerpt:

"Presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton declared Wednesday that if you look up the word "feminist" in a dictionary, you'll find her."

Asked if she viewed herself as a feminist, Clinton said by the standard definition, yes.

"If you look in the dictionary, the word feminist means someone who believes in equal rights for women in society, in the economy, the political process — generally believes in the equality of women. And I certainly believe in the equality of women," she said.

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Not only is Hitery a femnazi, she is also a Marxist and an opportunist!

Hitlery is a chameleon; she changes colors depending on the audience she is entertaining. The bottom line is Hitlery stands for Hitlery.

If she gets elected, be afraid; be very afraid!

This Link Says It ALL:


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what the KKK is to race relations. The KKK's just after fair treatment for white folks, right? I wonder who they're endorsing? Maybe they could work with NOW and do some sort of marketing campaign based on their common ideas about "equality".

See, both feminists and the KKK suffer from the same problem - a group can't be after any sort of "equality" unless it considers both sides of an equation. By definition, feminism (let's just call it what it is - female supremacy), and white supremacy are both about inequality. That's why I'll never call myself a "masculist".

Still, I suppose there's a bright side to this venomous, misandric bitch running for office - at least we'll find out in 2008 how many little girls have taken women's studies 101 on daddy's dime.

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All a-flutter and nearly having the vapors, NOW PREZ Kim Gandy screeched ---

"Today, the first woman speaker presides over the U.S. House of Representatives, and Harvard University has its first woman president. Firsts are important, because they open doors for those who follow — but our real goal is to have every first followed by seconds and thirds and fourths, until having women in leadership is so common that it isn't even remarkable any longer!"

Well, it wouldn't be so remarkable if women actually knew how to lead ... a quality of character requiring the ability to see beyond one's self-interest, and maybe a passing consideration of what the word INTEGRITY entails.

Hillary is a soiled commodity who simply cannot redeem her image sufficiently to get elected.

She has very high negatives among WOMEN voters!

I will look forward to her angry concession speech in the unlikely event that the Dems foolishly nominate her.

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Well, it wouldn't be so remarkable if women actually knew how to lead ... a quality of character requiring the ability to see beyond one's self-interest, and maybe a passing consideration of what the word INTEGRITY entails.

And that's the real irony here - idiots and zealots like Hillary and Gandy are destroying any chance that a woman who DOES have the integrity and know-how to lead might have at getting elected. Women are just as capable as we are of leading a government (the recent batches of "leaders" in Canada and the US kinda proves that it doesn't take much talent). But hate just isn't sexy or "electable" even if it's politically correct, so even capable women who DON'T have a gender-based axe to grind are not likely to get that opportunity any time soon.

I can't speak for the US or elsewhere, but there have been many capable women in Canada's government recently (Senator Anne Cools comes immediately to mind of course, along with Adrienne Clarkson - our former Governor General - who DID do some possibly questionable women-only things while in office but was generally quite a capable diplomat otherwise) who would be fine and capable leaders that I'd be happy to vote for. Senator Cools is the one who's always trumpeting the rights of the falsely accused among other things. Like Erin Pizzey, she helped start the shelter movement for victims of DV, but now actively opposes what it has become - a bastion of misandric radical feminism. She's a formidable stateswoman and a decent human being first, and a member of a gender last, which is what it takes to be a leader in national politics whether you're a man OR a woman. This lady's got more integrity in her little finger than Hillary and Gandy have put together.

Sadly, women like Anne Cools don't have a prayer with wingnuts like Hillary running around spewing misandry and playing gender politics.

There is indeed a good selection of women who would make fine leaders, but they are being kept out of those leadership roles by other women, not by men. And I don't just mean the women in politics who are shooting themselves in the foot with misandry - consider that much of the opposition to Hillary comes from women. I honestly believe that a decent female candidate has just as much chance of being elected as a decent male candidate in North America or Europe. It's just that the women being put forward aren't decent candidates.

The moral of my story? If there is a "glass ceiling" in politics as the misandrists would have us believe, it is being maintained by women, not men. When a woman runs for office without using gender politics as a crutch, I'll vote for her over any man if she's the right person for the job. A person's genitals shouldn't be a qualification for anything in public life.

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As if I needed another reason NOT to vote for Hillary...

I wish I could say something more intelligent about this development, but I am so unsurprised by it.

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Gee, what a surprise! The social Marxists of NOW endorse a stealth social Marxist for President? Who would have guessed that?

If a maggot like Senator Joseph "Mad Dog" Biden can get reelected again and again it is entirely possible a misandric commie pig like Hillary Clinton could become Prez.

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This is very simple. NOW had initial hesitation about supporting Hilary, since she said she is a feminist "in the traditional sense" (i.e. about true equality). However, NOW then decided to support her anyway, knowing she will "owe" them..and they can always withdraw their support once she is in office, if she fails to satisfy 'quid quo pro'.

What's the problem? Nothing personal, but sometimes you guys don't see the forest for the trees.


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