UN: Circumcision Is Recommended to Fight HIV

Article here. Excerpt:

'U.N. health agencies recommended Wednesday that HETEROSEXUAL men undergo circumcision because of "compelling" evidence that it can reduce their chances of contracting HIV by up to 60 percent.
The public health impact is likely to be most rapid where there is a high rate of HIV infection among men having sex with WOMEN.'


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Search this site on 'circumcision' or visit any number of sites on the web that discuss cmcision and disease transmittal. You won't find anything to support the UN's contention that circumcision is a path to reducing STDs being spread-- unless of course you count the psychological damage it does to men. Men so damaged may be less likely to seek out sex at all, having had their sexuality assulted. This isn't about health and safety, it's about power. It's about feminists in the UN literally using sexual mutilation as a form of coercion against men in Africa for whatever reasons.

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I have looked at some of the data and am probably not qualified to make a serious judgment about the numbers but what I have seen from my novice point of view leads me to have serious questions about what they are doing. It seems that there is some difference in the transmission based on whether someone is circumcised or not. They point out that the foreskin is fairly fragile and is more vulnerable to being cut and scraped than is the head of a circumcised penis. Because of this there is more likely transmission of HIV to those who are uncircumcised due to the greater liklihood of their having abrasions to the foreskin and therefore more opportunity to "share" fluids.

The problem is that the numbers they are seeing don't in my mind justify wholesale circumcision of an entire population. While it is true that those who are circumcised may have close to double the number of transmissions of infection of HIV they still represent a small fraction of the total population. Another way of saying it might be to say that x% of the circumcised male population get infected with HIV and that almost twice the population of uncircumcised male population get infected. This is striking in some ways until you consider the tiny fraction of the population this is being infected and the sad fact that circumcision has a 3% rate of complications and this is likely a conservative estimate considering the primitive conditions that some procedures will be performed under.

It makes one wonder about possible ulterior motives. I have seen some credible evidence that foreskins are used in some cosmetics and facial creams. I do wonder if the diminishing number of circs in the west may be driving greater demand and African men may be the likely harvest. Let's hope that is a big hoax. I hope so.

It seems to me that proper education and use of condoms might be a better alternative. Duh.

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It makes one wonder about possible ulterior motives. I have seen some credible evidence that foreskins are used in some cosmetics and facial creams.

Do you have a source for this? I didn't know that this was true and would like to learn more about this sick industry.

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"Studies suggest 5.7 million new cases ... and 3 million deaths ... could be prevented by male circumcision"

These studies always suggest, they never prove. Observing the Sun in the sky suggests it revolves around the Earth.

"men and women who consider male circumcision as an HIV preventive method need to continue using other forms of protection"

a) continue using... continue?! how many never used them to begin with, and hasn't that always been the problem?
b) if they're going to use other forms of protection, then how much will circumcising them really help? 60%? 60% of what, 1%? 0.001%? Anyway, it's "up to 60%", so it might as well be 0%, which is a great reason to cut someone.

"much depends on the situation in a given country, and little general benefit will result ... where the HIV epidemic is concentrated among sex workers..."

what kind of skill do sex workers have that bypasses the benefits of circumcision?

"Increasing male circumcision... will result in immediate benefit to the men circumcised, but it will take years before there will be an impact on the epidemic."

Sweetest part of all, no doubt. First, the immediate benefit (or any at all) is impossible to measure, since you can't look into alternate realities to see who would get infected if not circumcised and didn't BECAUSE they got circumcised. Second, the fact that it'll take years before there is an impact on the epidemic is the greatest excuse they could ask for. There are currently a bunch of other ongoing initiatives to stall HIV, by means other than circumcision, meaning we'll eventually come to a point where it'll be impossible to tell which initiative made a difference and which didn't.

The studies that support these theories are ridiculous, but it's almost impossible to believe the UN fell for this.

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The following comment was taken from the mothering.com site in an article on circumcision. I chose that site out of google due to a mothering site being less likely to be biased towards an MRA position.

"Ironically, the value of the male foreskin is not lost on the cosmetics and medical research industries. Organogenesis is among several companies that use cells from foreskins amputated from male infants to produce artificial skin. Organogenesis received FDA approval for Apligraf, an artificial skin made from a combination of foreskin and bovine collagen. Cosmetics companies such as SkinMedica sell wrinkle creams and moisturizers made from infant foreskins. SkinMedicaa^?(TM)s TNS (Tissue Nutrient Solution) Recovery Complex, which retails for about $125 per half-ounce, is said to reduce facial lines and wrinkles.15 According to the producta^?(TM)s box, it is made from a^?oehuman fibroblast conditioned mediaa^??a^??hin other words, human foreskin. medical myths vs. reality"

Apparently the foreskins "make their way" to the cosmetic companies on the sly. It's not hard to guess who is making money on that one.

Here's a link to the SkinMedica site and some of their Products

and to a site that sells the creams.

So guess who recommends this stuff? You better sit down.


This is bad. Just for a second imagine that little girls were being circumcised at birth and their clitoris's were being used by males as an oil for their baseball gloves. Can you imagine the magma erupting from the fiery furnace of feminist fury? Reverse it and no one gives a shit. So rich women are paying the big bucks for the little boys body parts. What a sham.

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..about the fact that genital mutilation reduces sexual pleasure. It's as simple as that. Even if it did help against AIDS, it's still wrong.
Also, someone with a mutilated = desensitized penis is more likely not to use a condom at all simply because he won't feel much of anything with it. Personally I find it very hard to use condoms for this reason.

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Given the generally haphazard way in which circumcision and other forms of MGM are practiced in some areas and the poor levels of medical care available to men in much of Africa after these procedures, the men (and therefore their sexual partners) are placed at substantially increased risks of infections and diseases as a result of circumcision. This increase in risk is due to open wounds and such - and that's just for the medically-provided variety of MGM, not the outright flaying and other forms of mutilation routinely practiced on males in African cultures.

n.j., we've talked about this before, and I find it telling that our culture finds female genital mutilation abhorrent, but routinely practices genital mutilation on men. It does reduce sexual pleasure, and it's intended to put men "in their place" in western society.

As I've asked previously, which bits of the female genitals should be cut off to produce a minuscule change in the HIV transmission rates? Why isn't anyone studying that if genital mutilation is suddenly an acceptable way to fight AIDS? (See the paragraph above for the answer).

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...but I'm sad to say this is relatively old news. Society is constantly dreaming up new ways to convert men into something it can use for its own benefit, so I wasn't exactly surprised when I learned about the use of baby penis parts in cosmetics for women. Men live and die as slaves, so it's no surprise that our society has no problem mutilating us to make women feel better about themselves.

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Thanks for the link. Even if it is old news, we should make sure that everyone knows the motives behind the chaos.

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