Iran says British woman sailor to be freed

Story here. Excerpt:

'A British servicewoman detained along with 14 other sailors will be released "within a day or two",...

Faye Turney is the only woman among the eight Royal Navy sailors and seven marines [taken prisoner]...'


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It's great Iran (will likely) release one of these prisoner/hostages. What is bad is that they are keeping the others, and the entire basis of their decision seems to be the gender of the people taken prisoner. Is a woman with a gun any less dangerous with a man so-armed? So why let her go and keep the men? Need I even answer.

Given the Iranians' seeming inability to bring themselves to fire on females or take and keep them prisoner, it would make military sense that if we did attack Iran, we do so entirely with women. The Iranians won't know what to do. They won't be able to fire on the women or take them prisoner.

Is it possible that an entire army of women from the west could just walk into the Middle East and take it over just by playing on the double-standards and prejudices of the enemy therein? What a great movie that'd make.

Check this out:,,30000-1257880,00.html

Hey, suppose if the MSM showed some pics of the fathers and their babies taken prisoner by the Iranians, people would be more sympathetic?

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In similar situations many male soliders have refused to leave the rest of their people behind, stayed behind, and sometimes died for that choice. I wonder if she'd do the same.

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For the Iranians, it is a good barter. They get rid of the least-valuable of the prisoners from their point of view, and get the benefit of releasing what the West considers the most valuable prisoner. Trading away something worthless to them for something they want, positive feeeeeelings in the West.

Buy Cheap, Sell Dear - that's how you gain in diplomacy as well as in trade.

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'LONDON, England (CNN) -- The lone female British sailor, detained with 14 male sailors and marines by Iran last week, has written a letter to her parents "admitting" that her crew entered into Iranian waters, according to a letter released by the Iranian government.

The letter was handed to the British ambassador in Tehran on Wednesday.

An Iranian television station also broadcast the first video of Faye Turney, in which she smoked a cigarette as she spoke with someone off camera. She wore a black scarf covering her head.
"We were out in the boats when we were arrested by Iranian forces as we had apparently gone into Iranian waters. I wish we hadn't because then I'd be home with you all right now. I am so sorry we did, because I know we wouldn't be here now if we hadn't," the letter released by Iran said.'

Thanks for sticking through it with us, mate. Uh-huh.

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This may be Iranian deja vu playing the gender card against the infidel West. Way back when in 1979 Iranian revolutionary militants took over the US Embassy. They released the female hostages thus playing on the sympathies of the Western mind. So, their releasing the lone female hostage in this incident is really no surprise. Just a good propaganda move on their part.

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I'm really surprised that Iran is holding British military personnel as prisoners, especially with all of the military forces that are in the arena right next door to them.

What if these were Americans? Might it constitute an open invitation for the U.S. government to annihilate the Iranian government? Iran's getting pretty cocky and perhaps it's time for the Iranian government to learn a lesson in humility.

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A helicopter,a ship,15 armed personnel would have taken the iranians out if it hadn't been for the fact that they were probably caught bang to rights.
This is another humiliation for the UK whose government
has just denied everything therefore exacerbating the situation.
The misandric press and BBC has highlighted only the womans situation,not one word has been said about the 14 men who can go to hell as far as our media are concerned.
The Iranians obviously made/allowed this woman to write 2 letters which have possibly condemned the males to a show trial and summary execution.The female will probably be allowed to go home as the iranians have made use of her in such a way that they knew the BBC ,being totally feminist based would react in a way calculated
to achieve total humiliation.
Should those men die who will care ,will there be any
questions asked?.I doubt it.
Will Faye Turney stick with her companions or will she come home and sue for compensation?
We have been warned before about allowing women on ops,do we never learn.To hear Hazel Blears last night on the BBC you would think that Turney is a heroine of the proportions of wonder woman.In this country 1 woman =100

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WWIII will result and China will get involved and we'll all care more about survival then men's rights.

You're damn right they'd take Americans though. They probably had no idea they were British until after they were captured.

They were probably hoping they were Americans in order to rattle the saber a little and paint the Americans as hypocrites, weaklings, and cowards for letting their soldiers die when they supposedly have such a powerful military.

America is the butt of every joke around the world for their "liberation" of Iraq.... they'd have much less success (if you can call the situation in Iraq success) if they invaded Iran and they'd lose. But the fact that China has interests in Iran and opposed to any action by the USA in Iran would make the situation even more volatile. The USA isn't the all powerful unbeatable machine it thinks it is and if it stays the course will learn that the hard way.

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