Ex-wife's sex change doesn't end alimony obligation
Submitted by ItsDan on Wed, 2007-03-28 02:46
File this article in the 'bizarre' category. I had to post it mostly because the idiot agreed to pay $1,250 a month for the rest of his ex-wife's life (which is always fun when the guy statistically dies first, hey, she's still alive, who cares if the guy is dead, she needs her money). Especially when you consider how much sex-change operations costs, I wonder how the court justified her needing the money. Excerpt:
"Lawrence Roach agreed to pay alimony to the woman he divorced, not the man she became after a sex change, his lawyers argued Tuesday in an effort to end the payments. But the ex-wife's attorneys said the operation doesn't alter the agreement."
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Men Should Stop Being Jerks
Today, if a man agrees directly or by omission to be the main financial support source of a female he marries then he should expect to get screwed over by the system.
These crappy situations are easily avoided by simply taking part in the marriage strike! Just don't do it! And if you just have to get married don't ever agree to be a walking ATM machine for wifey poo! You reap what you sow in the marriage racket. Start looking out for yourself and get politically active!