Men's Rights March in Mexico
Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2007-03-23 00:38
Posted for Marc A.:
This men's rights march in Mexico took place on Mar. 21, and made it onto Spanish national news (Univision). The website is in Spanish. We made contact with this Mexican movement, which is related to El Circulos, 3 years ago, and it looks like they're still in action!
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Check out their first screen (it has an animation of guys marching). I don't speak Spanish, but I can guess what "Militante Lesbiana" means ;->
why not here?
The main reason men in third world nations can band together is the lack of sophistication of the feminists in those countries. The success of the machine in passing draconian laws in the West is chiefly due to those laws being passed on the QT. In fact, the first major act of Western feminism was the tatting of the Lace Curtain in the late 60s. Generally, men are completely unaware of the laws the fems have wrought until they are individually bitten on the ass. One need only see the deer-caught-in-the-headlights reaction of men snared in the DV, sexual harassment, custody and child support practices, to know that this is true. The average person knows as much about gender politics as they do about quantum mechanics--and the fems want to keep it that way. (Women do learn to take advantage of the laws once they're broadcasted across the sisterhood grapevine.)
How dense is the Lace Curtain in the West? During Hillary's run for the White House, EMILY's List, the fem orgs, and even the biggest mouths in femdom have all kept a low profile. That Hillary is a feminist is the 800-lb. gorilla in the room that even the media dare not mention.
On the other hand, 3rd world fems tend to trumpet their victories in the media, alerting the normally clueless common man. (How clueless? I've had an otherwise highly educated guy define feminism as free-love sexual liberation. Geez!)
Once the Curtain gets pierced to any great extent there will be storming of the Bastille. And believe it or not, the charge will be led by liberal men who've finally awakened to just how grandly they've been duped.
We just better hope that the fems in those countries aren't schooled by the fems here on subterfuge.
With some of my poor attempts to translate signage.
“Equidad para el hombre ante la ley” ("equality for the brothers under the law!")
“Por una produradar en defenza de los hombres” ("for one effort in defense of the brothers")
(on Mexican national television)
I respectfully disagree
Just 3 weeks ago mexico passed a VAWA-like bill that allows a woman to sue a man for domestic violence for not providing her enough sex! They are learning very quickly.
Look at India. There, they jail the man and his family if the woman is offended.
The biggest barrier is knowledge - and with the high illiteracy rates in mexico, and lack of availability to the internet and men's sites - those guys down in mexico are going to be screwed, screwed, screwed by the system that is being cooked up as we speak...
oregon dad