Remaining Charges Against the Duke Lacrosse Players Soon to be Dropped?
Submitted by Dittohd on Thu, 2007-03-22 21:17
Here's the latest on the remaining Duke lacrosse charges.
I hope Nifong permanently loses his license to practice law and he along with everyone else involved either is sent to jail and/or pays through the nose for the unwarranted destruction of the reputations of these three innocent guys, especially that woman who made up the rape charges in the first place.
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Has a new word been added to the English language?
After the defeat of Judge Robert Bork to the U.S. Supreme court by efforts in congress, I heard that a term was created to describe the process used to block Judge Bork's nomination, and it has now become a part of the English language. To this day that term is referred to as "Borked," or "Borking." Just google those words if you don't believe me.
The only reason I even mention "Borking" is to ask, Has a new word now made it into our English language to describe all the witch-hunting of innocent men that goes on in our gender feminized legal system (since VAWA has become law), like all the illegal stuff that happened to the Lacrosse players in the Duke Lacrosse case? Are there thousands, or millions, of innocent males who have been "Nifonged," or are being "Nifonged?" Is "Nifonging" a process that goes on every day in courts and legal setting across Amerika, since passage of gender feminized VAWA, requiring STOP grant training of judges, prosecutors and police?
Hopefully, but probably not.
Unfortunately, I doubt that enough Americans are paying enough attention to the case to get the verb "to Nifong" added to the common language. When you read blogs like Durham in Wonderland and visit discussion forums like Liestoppers, it might appear as though a huge amount of people are interested in the subject, but, sadly, it's really just a very, very tiny percentage of the American populace.
As much as we'd like to slap the Gang of '88 and Nifong with the back of our hands by turning a reminder of this grave injustice into a common expression, it won't happen.
I would bet...
that the majority of people have no idea what has happened in the case. Most of them probably think the kids did it, since the fiasco it's turned into hasn't been given the media coverage that the original allegation was given.
It's for that reason that the damage done to these kids is truly unmeasurable. Not to mention it's a stigma that will follow Duke lacrosse players, or really anyone going to Duke, for years.