Award for DV Solution Offered
MANN admins received the following e-mail note. Looking at their web site, it seems like the organization is the typical feminist-inspired group. This solicitation represents an opportunity to educate them on the truth around DV. If you are a male DV victim, perhaps it is worthwhile to tell them your story and suggest how DV may be eradicted. Who knows, you might even win the prize! :)
Dear Sir or Madam:
I am contacting you regarding Changemakers Collaborative Competition “No Private Matter! Ending Abuse in Intimate and Family Relations.” We are in search of the most creative and lasting ways to eradicate this cancer in our world.
I am contacting you today to encourage you to consider participating in this collaborative competition. The work of aligns very well with the goals of our competition and would be of interest to our judges and to our network of leaders in the sector.
You can proceed directly and complete our entry form on line or let me know if you have any questions and I would be happy to answer them. The deadline is quickly approaching; please submit your entry by March 28, 2007 in order to be considered for one of five final prizes of $5000. Please feel free to look over what others are doing in your field worldwide, you can even contact them directly via their contact info or simply commend them by leaving a comment. More important than the prize is you becoming a part of our Changemakers community!
We look forward to profiling your unique innovations to our over 40,000 weekly viewers and to a panel of thought leaders and funders in the sector.
I thank you in advance for your kind attention and consideration. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any further questions.
Warmest regards,
Tyler E. Ahn
Ashoka: Innovators for the Public
1700 N Moore Street
Suite 2000
Arlington, VA 22209-1929 USA
(703) 527-8300
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Actually the WHOLE SITE looks misandric
Two other contests offered on the site depict:
1)"Corruption"..what appears to be a man's hands holding money (you can usually tell a man's hands from a woman's)
2)"Disruptive Innovations in Health"..shows picture of a male doctor treating a child
Why bother, they're too deep in denial?
# When women stop abusing their children, domestic violence will be greatly deterred.
# When the mainstream domestic violence industry stops lying about female violence and male victimization, domestic violence will be even more greatly deterred.
# I suggest the first/best place to start would be to get everyone in the mainstream domestic violence industry some serious mental health help, although what they really deserve is hard time behind prison bars for all the violence and evil they've committed under color of law.
Health and Human Services
Prosecute False Accusers Prosecute Scam Queens
Prosecute False Accusers Removing the profit incentive for women to file false accusations would be the biggest possible step one could take in this area.
Provide Domestic Violence Shelters and Services for Men
Stop Excusing Women Who Batter
Report Your Abusive Wife or Girlfriend, although law enforcement is too corrupt to be trusted
Stop following the corrupt gender feminist model of domestic violence
There are books out by Donald Dutton and John Hammel that take a relationship oriented approach to addressing d.v., rather than the man-hating, gender feminist praradigm now being used.
Changemakers Collaborative Competition
The website is not limited to a feminist perspective on the issue of domestic violence - we are looking for solutions to violence that affects men, children, and elders as well as women. We advocate all kinds of solutions including solutions that work for man and/or are crafted by men. For example, see our story "Fighting Abuse with 'Good' Men and Savings Clubs for Women" -
Your stories and perspective are welcome,
Kris Herbst
Hey Herbst, stop bothering us on this site..
You are a fraud and a charlatan.
The "5 in 6" program mentioned in the article, is not based on any kind of scientific study or survey whatsoever. Also, I see no evidence in the article, of any kind of services to be provided for abused men. Instead, the article, and the project that it discusses, ARE GEARED 110% TOWARD PERPETUATING THE MYTH OF "MALE AS PERPETRATOR, FEMALE AS VICTIM". Domestic violence is not that simple, it is a two-way street.
Also the notion of "looking for a few 'good' men" is blatant misandry.
You, sir (if you are a male), and definitely this guy Maisel disgussed in the article, are what MRA's and other enlightened people call "honorary women". So why don't you go post on some feminist sites, and leave us alone to pursue more worthy goals.
Kris, thank you
Thank you asking for men's stories and men's perspectives.
It's encouraging that you're open to hearing those voices. While others in this forum seem to feel a sense of frustration, I'm sure that you've seen the statistics on women's violence against men and agree that it's a serious a problem. Your web site doesn't address women's violence against men, but soliciting men's stories is a great place start.
Over the years, so many resources have been devoted to see how women are affected and can be protected from DV. It looks like the tide is beginning to turn, and domestic violence awareness advocates are finally looking at the whole picture, including men. You should be proud that you organization is a part of that making that progressive social change a reality.
I hope you and your organization will continue to look at both sides of DV, and ensure that we can all benefit from an understanding of this huge problem that affects everyone.
Proof of sincerity goes a long way
As you can tell, MRAs are not an easy crowd. Most of us have been burnt badly in the past or are currently being roasted by misandrist court systems and double-standards applied directly to us that measurably impact our well-being and infringe on our rights as parents and human beings. That male DV victims are largely and deliberately ignored is just one example of this.
What you are saying may be true in your intent, but for MRAs to believe it, we need to see hard evidence. If you want to create a belief among others that you know and acknowledge that DV is an equal-opportunity phenomenon, a more public expression of that knowledge is necessary. I'd suggest adding text on your contest site that shows you are aware of the real DV stats and that you encourage male DV victims to report their stories and ideas. Also, reviewing the language on the site is a good idea to make it clearly gender-neutral. Also including photos of men who are unambiguously shown to have been DV victims in equal numbers as those of women. This will help in showing that you know the truth around DV and are not merely seeing just the one set of victims delineated by their gender.
Men's Stories
Men are 80% of Suicides CDC
# Suicide took the lives of 30,622 people in 2001 (CDC 2004).
# Suicide is the eighth leading cause of death for all U.S. men (Anderson and Smith 2003).
# Of the 24,672 suicide deaths reported among men in 2001, 60% involved the use of a firearm (Anderson and Smith 2003).
24,672 / 30,622 = .8056952
(or in other words, over 80% of all suicide deaths in 2001 were male)
Considering that men are 80% if suicides, you might try finding men's stories in the graveyard. Oh yea, that's right, they're not talking. I've even heard it projected that the number of male suicides goes up ten times that rate for men going through a divorce. With evil, gender feminist laws like VAWA and today's man-hating domestic violence industry does anyone wonder why?
Of course, some men survive the evil, gender feminist, man-hating, domestic violence witch-hunts and those reliable model citizen's can still give testimony from their new homes.
Men are ruined by the evil, gender feminist, domestic violence witch-hunt
Men are ruined by the evil, gender feminist, domestic violence witch-hunt
Of course, some men are still in the process of being destroyed by the evil, gender feminist, domestic violence witch-hunts and those reliable model citizen's can still give testimony from their new homes.
Men are being destroyed by the evil, gender feminist, domestic violence witch-hunt
I haven't been burned, in fact I've never been married
I have never had kids either. The only thing burning me is rampant bias and misandry. Name one thing in my post below, that I said about the article, that is not true.
MR: men die at a greater rate than women, of all 15 leading causes of death, including suicide, cancer, heart disease, etc. Yet we have a zillion resources devoted to women's health, and virtually none devoted to men's health. (ref: Farrell).
Proof of sincerity goes a long way
I hear what you say about the impact of abuse of males, and I hear the pain and anger that some of you are expressing here.
The mission of Changemakers is to provide a platform where anyone who has an innovative solution to such critical problems can publish it themselves. In our articles, we occasionally describe such innovative solutions. But we are not advocacy organization - our central concern is not to push a particular agenda, whether you might consider them to be "feminist" or "pro-male" - and fortunately I see that you are well equipped to advocate your own point of view.
Rather, Changemakers provides a platform for you to present innovative solutions. We have carefully constructed a space that honors your experiences through our use of gender-neutral language to define this competition: we say it is about "domestic abuse, intimate partner violence, and relationship violence," so we are creating a space where anyone can post innovative solutions that address abuse against males, as well as against females (and people of all ages, from children to elders).
Again, Changemakers is not designed to be a platform for your agenda (nor for what you may consider to be countervailing misandrist agendas), rather it is designed to be a platform for your innovative solutions that may serve your agenda.
Kris Herbst (male, and proud to be so)
Our only "agenda" is true equality between the sexes
I'm getting a little confused here. I don't expect Changemakers to be a platform for our "agenda"; but it sounds to me like you are already a platform for the feminist agenda (whether you realize it or not), by promoting the "male as perpetrator, female as victim" stereotype. Feminists have been advocating for the victim status of women for decades (and they have been quite successful).
You say you might be interested in an "innovative solution" to the problem of domestic violence (including against males). OK, I don't have a complete solution worked out, but here's how to start: make it known to the public that there IS such a problem (in fact, females commit at least 50% of intimate partner violence). Spread the true statistics about domestic violence, of which a good source are two books by Warren Farrell, "Women Can't Hear What Men Don't Say" and "The Myth of Male Power".
Better yet, check out the link below, which leads to a bibliography of almost 200 scholarly surveys, studies, and analyses, which yeild a more accurate picture of domestic abuse:
If you are truly interested in solving the problem of domestic violence, you and the public must first become aware of the true nature of the problem.
Award for DV solution offered
"Considering that men are 80% if suicides, you might try finding men's stories in the graveyard. Oh yea, that's right, they're not talking. I've even heard it projected that the number of male suicides goes up ten times that rate for men going through a divorce. With evil, gender feminist laws like VAWA and today's man-hating domestic violence industry does anyone wonder why?"
This relates to suicide rather than DV, but the public attitude with its anti-male bias is relevant.
I've noticed in media articles about suicide (and in the NIMH web site) that there is a tendency to follow up atatistics about the greater male suicide rate in the US with an immediate emphasis on greater female suicide attempts -- as if to say "please don't be overly concerned about male vulnerability, it's females we need to focus on." I think it was on a page from the NIMH web site that I saw an explanation as to why females don't die as frequently as males from suicide in some countries. It went something like this: females are more likely than males to use poison to kill themselves. In countries in which the poisons used are extremely toxic and health facilities are inadequate or distant, females die more frequently than males. Of course, if the genders were reversed, I doubt there would be nearly as much concern for the higher rate of male suicide "attempts." I suspect that the reason that females in the US (and other countries) are less successful in their suicide "attempts" is because they are often less serious than males about killing themselves. Taking an overdose of sleeping pills is a cry for help; putting a loaded pistol to your head and pulling the trigger is the ultimate loss of hope.
Ha ha!l That cracks me up!! :->
"..females are more likely than males to use poison to kill themselves. In countries in which the poisons used are extremely toxic and health facilities are inadequate or distant, females die more frequently than males."
It is very common for these type "professionals" to wildly speculate on reasons for certain phenomena (especially psychologists); generally they say what they think people want to here, or whatever is the current faddish thinking..but this particular example, that is totally absurd!!! They must have stuck the roto-rooter really far up their butts to pull that one out..I'm sure someone got a raise for thinking of it!
(As an aside, note that by mentioning "health facilities", they are acknowledging that at least some of the females might not have really intended to kill themselves..)
High male suicide rates result directly from misandrist VAWA
"This relates to suicide rather than DV, but the public attitude with its anti-male bias is relevant."
No, your wrong. Domestic violence law directly contributes to the high rate of suicide in males. The responsibility for the high rate of suicide amongst males, going through a divorce should be laid squarely on the doorstep of the evil, domestic violence, hate movement driving those troubled men to commit suicide.
Case in point, Derrick Miller.
Distraught Father's Courthouse Suicide Highlights America's Male Suicide Epidemic
by Glenn Sacks
"A distraught father struggling with overdue child support obligations and adverse family court decisions committed suicide on the steps of the downtown San Diego courthouse Monday. Angrily waving court documents, 43 year-old Derrick Miller walked up to court personnel at the entrance, said "You did this to me," and shot himself in the head."
"...the two situations in which men are most likely to kill themselves are after the loss of a job, and after a divorce."
"The other most common suicide victims are divorced and/or estranged fathers like Derrick Miller. In fact, a divorced father is ten times more likely to commit suicide than a divorced mother, and three times more likely to commit suicide than a married father. According to Los Angeles divorce consultant Jayne Major:
"Divorced men are often devastated by the loss of their children. It's a little known fact that in the United States men initiate only a small number of the divorces involving children. Most of the men I deal with never saw their divorces coming, and they are often treated very unfairly by the family courts."
According to Sociology Professor Augustine Kposowa of the University of California at Riverside, "The link between men and their children is often severed because the woman is usually awarded custody. A man may not get to see his children, even with visitation rights. As far as the man is concerned, he has lost his marriage and lost his children and that can lead to depression and suicide.'"
"There have been a rash of father suicides directly related to divorce and mistreatment by the family courts over the past few years. For example, New York City Police Officer Martin Romanchick, a Medal of Honor recipient, hung himself after being denied access to his children and being arrested 15 times on charges brought by his ex-wife, charges the courts deemed frivolous. Massachusetts father Steven Cook, prevented from seeing his daughter by a protection order based upon unfounded allegations, committed suicide after he was jailed for calling his four-year-old daughter on the wrong day of the week."
Pimps Rule!
"The mission of Changemakers is to provide a platform where anyone who has an innovative solution to such critical problems can publish it themselves. In our articles, we occasionally describe such innovative solutions."
What kind of organization only "occasionally" promotes what it claims to be its primary mission?
Well, PIMPS come to mind immediately.
Why advertise, when the product does all the work?