RADAR ALERT: RADAR Credits Victories to Lobbying by the "Wise Majority"

We take pause this week to thank the thousands of true advocates for their hard work helping to block CEDAW and possible introduction of I-VAWA. We take note of organizations who devoted resources delivering this message, including the True Equality Network, the American Coalition for Fathers and Children, Stop Abuse For Everyone, the Indiana Civil Rights Council, Shattered Men, and the San Diego Men's Center.

Over the past two years, this "Wise Majority" has spoken, delivering millions of telephone calls and emails to politicians calling for reform of domestic violence laws that hurt innocent individuals and families while rarely helping those who really need it. RADAR is committed to helping the Wise Majority amplify their voices to bring about positive change. We thank you for your help and donations which, in turn, help us all succeed as a team.

Thanks to you, we have achieved much in just two short years of existence:

  1. Forced PBS to withdraw the false documentary "Breaking the Silence", and replace it with a new documentary that is more reasonable. (http://www.mediaradar.org/alert_bts10.php)
  2. Brought about the rejection of the United Nations Secretary General's Report on Violence Against Women, by the U.N. Third Committee. (http://www.mediaradar.org/alert20061204.php)
  3. Forced the Washington Times to retract a false article about abused wives in India (http://www.mediaradar.org/alert20061204.php)
  4. Made Reform of Domestic Violence laws a national political issue.
  5. Recently launched a major initiative to block passage of CEDAW and introduction of similar legislation known as I-VAWA. (http://www.mediaradar.org/alert20070305.php)

This week we are giving the Wise Majority time off for home, family, and relaxation. You have all earned it. Be ready for an announcement of major significance next week that will give you more tools to work on bringing wisdom to our domestic violence laws.

Date of RADAR Release: March 19, 2007

Want to improve the chance that they'll pay attention to your letter? Click here.

R.A.D.A.R. – Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting – is a non-profit, non-partisan organization of men and women working to improve the effectiveness of our nation's approach to solving domestic violence. http://www.mediaradar.org/.

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Thank you, it's nice to hear a kind word in this difficult effort. Maybe, it's even extra nice, considering we are an Army of the walking wounded, trying to turn back the gender feminist hoards battering and abusing all males.

It's nice to hear all quiet on the VAWA front this week and prepare ourselves for next week's next RADAR announcement and the continuing battle for men's human rights.

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(RADAR) -- "This week we are giving the Wise Majority time off for home, family, and relaxation."

What patronizing crap!

WHO is WE?

What power to "give" men anything have you been invested with?

What's the new P.R.-spin on the "Wise Majority" theme?

New consultants hired to create more pseudo-results?

Please cite ONE U.S. legislative result that RADAR can claim actual (as opposed to camping on other MRA's efforts) credit for?

VAWA? Family Court practices? DV reform? Paternity fraud rebuked?

Just ONE statute. Just ONE, please?

Tired, tired, tired.

Sorry RADAR, I'll be working this week.

Apparently you failed to call my employer and tell the corporate office that as a RADAR supporter I get the week off.

RADAR... the only thing you have to sell in the end, is your reputation.

Learn it now.

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