Teen killed after affair with teacher; husband charged

Of course the poor dear teacher will undoubtedly receive nothing but sympathy even though she preyed on the student and provoked her husband into a rage that resulted in his misfortunate reaction!

Score: 2 males down, 1 female walks!

Article here. Excerpt:

'KNOXVILLE, Tennessee (AP) -- In a tragic twist to a familiar story, a teenager who had sex with his married 30-year-old teacher was fatally shot outside the woman's home, and authorities have charged the woman's husband.

"You see all this stuff with teachers involved with their students. It just comes up time after time on the national news," said Norman McLean, father of suspect Eric McLean. But this time, he said, someone "actually died over it."'

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The husband should not have doen what he did. Enraging as it is, it is wrong to murder over a sleazy affair. He simply should have called the police and reported his wife, or maybe go to the local papers, or the teacher's boss, or all three. But murdering a teenager over his diddling his old lady? Wrong. The people involved in this 'marriage' should not have been and alas one of them behaved illegally in a statutory way and the other illegally in a murderous way. Both are scum.

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Even in his rage he seems smart enough to have weighed the odds - kill your wife, get life.

Kill a male go to jail, but get out in about a decade.

Not that I agree with murdering anyone, but he likely killed the one of the two that would allow him to see the blue sky from the outside of a prison again one day.

I guarantee she's fully charged up to overflowing levels with ultimate victim power and we'll no doubt see her on the day time talk circuit and a made for TV movie depicting her version of events sprinkled lovingly with added misandry (maybe they'll say the boy raped her to give her extra victim cred) for PC good measure. She'll be rich.

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But perhaps we (the media and public) will finally see the young boy involved in one of these cases as the victim, instead of some "lucky kid"

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