Current Events: Hate Crime or Not? Woman Tirades Against Store Owner

Watch the report here (video). This is one to keep an eye on. Will she actually be charged with the heavier hate crime offense? Will only her male companion be charged with it? Neither? Wait and see.

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It will be interesting to see how this case unfolds. Another case that I am interested in is the one involving Mary Winkler who, about a year ago, confessed to police that she shot her sleeping husband to death because she "snapped."

The tone of the news articles about this story have seemed somewhat sympathetic to Mary Winkler, implying that she must have had good reason to kill her husband. The life of a Southern minister's wife must be especially stressful, of course. She is out on bail, I believe, and working at some low level job. Many people feel sorry for her and suspect that she must have been the victim of spousal abuse.

I wonder how differently the public and media reaction would have been had Matthew Winkler shot his wife and mother of their children while she slept.

Mary Winkler's trial comes up soon in Tennessee. Keep an eye on what happens to this woman who confessed that she murdered her husband and the father of their young daughters because of tension over financial problems. (Remember, he's not around to defend himself.)

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I used to work at a night club back when I was in University. I have seen so many drunk girls start fights with men knowing that their boyfriend would step in as soon as the man took any kind of action. Women when drunk are about 100x more belligerent then men are - particularly towards men they are not with - and they expect their boyfriends to clean up the mess they get them selves into with the stupid things that spew from their mouths.

Women directly incited about 9 out of every 10 fights I witnessed between men while working at that club. It was almost always something some drunk woman said or did that got the guys fighting. But of all the arrests that I witnessed when the police got called I never once saw any one female get arrested.

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Well, obviously the drunken bitch is racist.

I wonder why Michael Richards the ex-comic was held to a higher standard for shouting the "N-word" when this woman will get off with a slap on the wrist?

Of course, women get away with "hate crime" every day.

It shows up every time they denigrate a man, make a false accusation of sexual harassment, file a fake paternity claim, dial 911 with a DV call when they are the aggressors.

And the idiot woman's boyfriend assaults the store keeper to "defend her honor."

Chivalry in action!

He'll do a year in jail.

She'll get counseling.....

Count on it.

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Just when I think the imbalance can't go any further..I just now saw on CourtTV where a woman crack addict was convicted for felony theft and child endangerment and got 6 mos. The next story was a guy who cheated on the lottery, he was convicted of grand theft and got 5 years.


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The lottery is a State run organization. Crackhead women stealing, maiming, murdering is nothing new and we have decided woman are perpetual victims who must never really be punished for anything so no biggie. Oh and women have the right to torture and kill children to so no one's going to get to worked up over mere child endangerment when the perp is female.

But the State will unleash hell on those who mess with it.

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