UK Plan to Scrap Women's Prisons

Women's prisons should be shut down and replaced with small secure units, according to a report commissioned for the Home Office. If adopted by the home secretary, Baroness Corston's approach would see Holloway and about 14 other all-female prisons in England and Wales shut down or converted into jails for men. Story here

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...a network of community centres to which police and other agencies can refer women who commit crime or are likely to in the future, it says."

This was my personal favorite part. So, when a woman commits a crime in England if this passes it'll be "Oh, you've just robbed a bank! Oh you poor dear, you need to go to the community centre for some skills training. Maybe they can get you a job at the bank you just robbed!"

My second favorite part was the quote from this idiot:

"Frances Crook, director of the Howard League for Penal Reform, said "prison simply doesn't work" for women.

News flash moron! The only people prisons work for is politicians and prison wardens. That's pretty much it. Prisons don't reform ANYONE. Male prisons teach the men that are in them one thing and one thing only: How to be a better criminal. The only degree you can get in prison is a Masters in Committing Criminal Behavior.

They make already troubled people, worse.

By the way you could substitute the word 'women' in that story for 'men' and it would be every bit as accurate.

But yeah, good idea. Instead of dealing with female criminals lets further deny their existence. Next they'll say women shouldn't be put through criminal trials and devise a whole new system just for women where there is no court, no criminal records, no jails no arresting, etc... Nothing recognizable as what we know of as the justice system. Woman kills 5 kids, gets a visit from the fairy princess of post-pardum depression who leaves a card with the numbers of Hollywood producers, some 'women's specialist' counselor, and a hot line for a free State paid for ocean view condo to help her heal and tell her story to everyone with money to pay to hear it to cleanse her soul.

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As if this is a surprise to any MRA. We all know we're disposable slaves - the UK is just being good enough to drop the pretense of "equality". Their double standards are now plain to see.

As for the UK, which has decided that in light of new evidence indicating that women are just as violent and criminal as men to attempt to warp the square pegs of reality into round, radical feminist holes...well, I hope they're overrun with violent little girls who know they're immune from the consequences of their actions.

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...a network of community centres to which police and other agencies can refer women who commit crime or are likely to in the future

What a great idea, reward women for committing crime and pretty soon all women will be committing crime to get the rewards. Pavlov would be proud of the elected idiots who've constructed this "crime wave waiting to happen."

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The Howard League for Penal Reform used to be a very noble organisaton, lobbying for more humane and effective treatment for prisoners. No longer. It is now corrupt to the core with radical feminism and cultural Marxism. Its leader, Francis Crook, is an unreconstructed feminist. This new proposal shows her true agenda. Close down women's prisons, and turn them into more prisons for men. This is another good example of the feminist infiltration of the NGO/Charity sector. Just like UNESCO, the RSPCC and many others, this once great charity is now simply a feminist instrument for waging political and cultural war against men and families. It is time the public and the politicians woke up to what is going on. We need to take back these organisations and purge them of their Marxist/Feminist membership.

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