RADAR ALERT: Tell Senator Lugar: "Don't Export Family Break-up. Say 'No' to I-VAWA."

Senate Foreign Relations Committee chairman and presidential-hopeful Joseph Biden plans on asking the U.S. Congress to legislate for the entire world! Author of the well-intentioned but deeply flawed Violence Against Women Act, Biden will soon be introducing an international version, dubbed "I-VAWA." This would be accomplished by awarding grants to other countries to implement VAWA-like initiatives.

For a reminder of how the U.S. version of VAWA has undermined the basic freedoms and legal protections that once characterized the U.S. as a free society, read RADAR's recent alert at http://www.mediaradar.org/alert20070129.php.

Many members of Congress have expressed concern that foreign countries' resentment of the U.S. has increased due to our unilateral action in Iraq. That resentment will pale in comparison to the resentment that will result if Congress passes I-VAWA, and thus assumes the right to impose legislation on other countries.

Thus it is especially important to tell Sen. Richard Lugar, the Ranking Republican Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, that the U.S. should not be wasting hundreds of millions of your tax dollars to impose our own flawed policies on foreign governments through I-VAWA.

This week we are asking every one of you to call, fax, or email Sen. Richard Lugar's office:
Phone: 202-224-4814
FAX: 202-228-0360
Email: senator_lugar-at-lugar.senate.gov

In your call or letter, please emphasize the message:
"Don't Export Family Break-up. Say 'No' to I-VAWA." Since I-VAWA will directly affect citizens of other nations, we'd like to suggest that our friends outside the U.S. not hesitate to let Sen. Lugar's office know their opinion of this proposed law.

As always, be sure to express your opinion in a polite and respectful fashion.

Date of RADAR Release: March 12, 2007
Want to improve the chance that they'll pay attention to your letter? Click here.

R.A.D.A.R. – Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting – is a non-profit, non-partisan organization of men and women working to improve the effectiveness of our nation's approach to solving domestic violence. http://www.mediaradar.org/.

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No, r-e-a-l-l-y?

How much more silly rhetorical self-abuse are men supposed to shuck 'n jive as a "political" statement?

How many more postcards to the feminist fellow-travellers will be required to create change; or -- even a simple recognition of a dissenting voice?

To continue to reproduce the same lack of effect by performing the same non-actions over and over again would arguably qualify one for serious counseling, yes?

Or, perhaps, a more clinical diagnosis?

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This has been going on now for what, going on two years, with the FAXes and emails and letters and we may have held off some horrors, but what have we turned back? We appear to have gotten language that does not deny that male victims of domestic violence exist, but where is the language acknowledging that they exist and doing something about it.

All this and absolutely nothing for all the men who have been victims of Sen Biden's Stalinist hate crimes, perpetrated under evil VAWA.

I share your pain Roy. We live in an evil country, where when I hear, "God Bless America," I sometimes find myself asking, "Why?" Should we pray that God blesses criminals like those lawmakers who promote VAWA and I-VAWA so they can do more evil to innocent men? Why pray for a country to be blessed that has done and continues to do such great evil as has been done under VAWA?

I am proud to say I have not served on jury duty in many years. Why? Because it is against my religion to serve a legal system that lies, cheats, steals, commits fraud, etc. to promote the gender feminist, domestic violence agenda, while hypocritically pretending to be fair, just and honest. It's enough to make you puke when you walk through the vile doors of any courthouse, knowing the evil that goes on America's legal system. When I am sworn in on the jury panel, with the judge asking, "Will you serve?" I just answer, "Yes, under duress." I find more and more of what I am required to do as a citizen of America, I do under duress.

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And by "poser", I mean you, Matt. Lugar is a VAWA supporter and voted for it's passage along with every other Republican senator, including Specter and Hatch. Who are still in office. But no, you still lump this on Biden ignoring the fact that he was in the minority party when the VAWA was passed. Why don't you spread the blame to those who equally deserve it, or stop posing as a MRA and take your schtick to the fine folks as the New Republic.

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And by "poser", I mean you, ...

After reading the first few words of your comments, I knew the post was coming from you. Why is essentially everything you write a political statement? Worse, for you to call Matt names is "unfortunate," at best. It's up there with "my dad can beat up your dad."

Biden is responsible for the VAWA, and the I-VAWA. Not Lugar. Not the other Republicans. Not the other Democrats. At least in general. He is the man behind the action. If he didn't exist, there would be no VAWA. You are certainly correct that VAWA was supported (voted) by the entire congress. As has been pointed out to you before, it would be political suicide for almost any member of congress to vote against it. That may be unfortunate, but that's the way it is. Politically speaking, it would be better if I-VAWA can be killed in committee (yes, I know, VAWA was not previously killed when Republicans were in control).

Matt did not bring politics (i.e., Democrats vs Republicans) into his message. He did not say or imply anything about either party as a group. The request was to write Sen. Lugar because he is the ranking minority member on the committee. This is the proper protocol, because Biden is the ranking majority member on the committee. The chairman. You are the one who turns a simple request into a political statement. It's ironic that someone who believes all of the world's ills are caused by George Bush and the Republicans would call another person a "poser" for not spreading the blame. My dad can beat up your dad.

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RADAR is making it harder and harder to participate in these efforts to contact elected reps., among others. Henceforth, I've dropped out of RADAR's efforts.

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I believe RADAR is totally ineffective.

It's just been a silly e-mail, phone-call charade to the very politicians that sell men out since the very beginning.

I have previously asked RADAR what they/it has accomplished, other than P.R. blurbs for RADAR.

My insidious twin brother believes RADAR is a fabrication and a shill.

A "front" for one psychotic faux-MRA personality.

RADAR does not, in fact, exist.

If it does, then I would like to be able to read the full membership list, individual signatures, please.

Fool me once....

Fool me ... NOT!

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