German man chainsaws house in two in divorce split
Submitted by anthony on Sat, 2007-03-10 02:18
Story here.
This guy obviously went too far, but it does show how fed up men are with the inequities of divorce. Excerpt:
"A 43-year-old German decided to settle his imminent divorce by chainsawing a family home in two and making off with his half in a forklift truck.
After finishing the job, the man picked up his half with the forklift truck and drove to his brother's house where he has since been staying."
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We need more like him
In a sense he went too far-- but in another sense, he did the exact right thing. He knew he would get screwed, so he was making sure he got his half of the house (in fact he probably should have taken 90% of the house, I will bet that is how much he paid into it over the years). Good for him. Would love to see more of it.
Gone Too Far?
IMO he didn't go far enough.
If the courts in the West treat men like second class citizens then men have an obligation to act like second class citizens.
The misandric courts and society have been getting a free ride much too long on the backs of men and it is past due to start paying the freight.
I love it!
"[John Galt] raised his hand and over the desolate earth he traced in space the sign of the dollar." -Atlas Shrugged
I Hope...
I hope he took half the foundation too. Ha! ha!
Damn, you beat me to this story...
Here's the link to the version of the story.
This is great symbolism, and a testament both to man's inventiveness and frustration.
I hope a picture of the 'divorce' surfaces. I gotta see this house.
* MB
No Victory At All...
When a man is celebrated for taking a chain saw to his house and cutting it into pieces, then feminism has won.
This is not so much a statement of victory as one of defeat and desperation.
I admire this man's directness.
He destroyed what he built just to make a statement that he was a fool to ever marry.
Hopefully younger men will take note, abandon marriage, and never have to use the chain saw....