The following organizations were early supporters of, and we thank them for their support. If you'd like to trade links with us, see our supporters page.
The fight for true equality may have only just barely begun but one day men will be able to celebrate maleness on an international basis.
We built this world to serve the needs of women. Now is the time we start to take our own needs into consideration and reshape the world to what we want rather then what we think will be good for the girls
It does not need much to celeberated just a modest beginning like any days began with .
Just buy people 1 free mars bar and give a pamphlet with what to celeberate and reflect for . It is only a matter of time before hallmark and landmark jump in with their greeting cards.
Paragon, how about we reshape the world into something that serves the needs of both men and women instead of one or the other?
Yes, we as a species have certainly spent too much time on women's needs, but neglecting their needs is no better than neglecting ours, wouldn't you agree?
That being said, if we can have an International Women's Day, then we can have an International Men's Day. I have no idea when men stopped being as important as women, but that needs to change.
What you're doing is great. You're English needs a little work.. but hey, I don't speak any other languages myself, so who am I to know.."habla francais?"
Also your comment about Marie Curie..she did half the work and got ALL the credit. Remember Pierre?
Permalink Submitted by axolotl on Fri, 2007-03-09 07:19
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- The Men's Activist News Network
"You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality." - Ayn Rand
Great idea
Would love to see it be an "International Men's Day".
That day will come
The fight for true equality may have only just barely begun but one day men will be able to celebrate maleness on an international basis.
We built this world to serve the needs of women. Now is the time we start to take our own needs into consideration and reshape the world to what we want rather then what we think will be good for the girls
Doesnt; need much to celeberate
It does not need much to celeberated just a modest beginning like any days began with .
Just buy people 1 free mars bar and give a pamphlet with what to celeberate and reflect for . It is only a matter of time before hallmark and landmark jump in with their greeting cards.
A better idea
Paragon, how about we reshape the world into something that serves the needs of both men and women instead of one or the other?
Yes, we as a species have certainly spent too much time on women's needs, but neglecting their needs is no better than neglecting ours, wouldn't you agree?
That being said, if we can have an International Women's Day, then we can have an International Men's Day. I have no idea when men stopped being as important as women, but that needs to change.
bharati, you crack me up, you're a great guy!
What you're doing is great. You're English needs a little work.. but hey, I don't speak any other languages myself, so who am I to know.."habla francais?"
Also your comment about Marie Curie..she did half the work and got ALL the credit. Remember Pierre?