Vids on anti-male DV laws, marriage

Thanks to Deb C. for the heads-up on these two vids:

"Anti-male laws regarding DV":

"Why men should not get married":

What is so great about these vids is that they were made by a young man. It shows he is aware of these issues and isn't going to let himself get fooled.

Want to save these to hard-drive? The how-to is here.

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Near the end, where he says "even if [the woman] deserved to be slapped", the man who slapped her...
Also near the beginning where he says "femininism..which has destroyed this country".
Shit like that will keep "respectable people" from believing anything else he is saying, even when he cites statistics.

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But a woman would be able to get away with that.

oregon dad

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Misandry - It's a Sin

It's pretty good. Again, put together by the new generation (he's a Harry Potter fan).

* MB

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Maybe there is hope. I think it is almost to the point where the mens movement is self-sustaining. We're on a roll!!


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