Read Joe Biden's Letter to Fully Fund VAWA

The following excerpt is from Sen. Joe Biden's latest letter to Congress soliciting support to fully fund the 2008 VAWA budget, at over $1 BILLION!

"In 2005, Congress reauthorized the landmark Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), which both continues successful and lifesaving programs and crafts new initiatives to end sexual assault, domestic violence, and stalking. While the federal fight to end these crimes is over ten years old, our resolve must not fade. Nearly 25 percent of u.S. women report that they have been physically assaulted by an intimate partner during their lifetimes and 1 in 6 have been the victims of attempted or completed rape.

The cost of intimate partner violence exceeds $5.8 billion each year, $4.1 billion of which is for direct medical and mental health care services. In fiscal year 2008, we must remain committed to ending domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking. Accordingly, we urge you to fully fund the VAWA programs in the Department of Health and Human Services at the authorized level of $320 million and fund the Department of Justice VAWA programs at the authorized level of $683 million."

The complete letter and other documents are viewable on the web site of the rad-feminist National Network to End Domestic Violence.

Nowhere in Biden's appeal is there any mention of a need to acknowledge male DV victims, let alone fund services for male victims of domestic violence.

Link here.

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Nearly 25 percent of u.S. women report that they have been physically assaulted by an intimate partner during their lifetimes and 1 in 6 have been the victims of attempted or completed rape.

Notice the absence of the fact that somewhere between 26 and 28% of men would report being physically assaulted by a woman in a relationship, if we were to believe the latest figures to come directly out of Joe's ass and then apply the relative rates at which men and women are known to assault one another. Notice the absence of the fact that 1 in 6 men would also report having been the victim of a sexual assault at some point in their lives, if we use the feminist claims as a reference and apply the relative rates of sex crimes against men and women. Not that anyone cares about such troublesome facts and statistics when we're talking about men, or bothers to ask what we've experienced. We're just disposable, untouchable slaves and "animals" to these hate mongers and female supremacists.

Why, just the other day some radical feminist mouthpiece was busy going on about 1 in 3 women being raped (a sudden leap upwards from the usual lie involving 1 in 4), or was it 3 out of 1? Or 33? Or 74 out of 100? I can never keep their lies, exaggerations and distortions straight. Of course, neither can they. Fortunately for them, nobody questions the veracity of anything the "women's movement" has to say. To do so would be un-chivalrous and politically incorrect, which is a thoughtcrime, so the public just swallows it all hook, line and sinker and comes back every time, begging for more. Oprah stays on the air, taxpayers fund misandry, men work harder in riskier jobs for the same pay, men die 5-7 years earlier, men are thrown into debtors prisons, boys have their genitals mutilated, men are barred from seeing their children, teachers rape their male students, women abuse their children and husbands with impunity and men die in wars.

You know, the usual.

No doubt the numbers presented for funding are composed largely of the same material as Joe's fabricated statistics: pure, 100% grade 'A' BULLSHIT. Not that anyone will notice.

I don't believe a word that feminists or their male lackeys have to say. Sadly, most women and many men do. So I think that's our mission, gents - to wake people up to the smell of what feminists have been shoveling for decades.

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"I can never keep their lies, exaggerations and distortions straight. Of course, neither can they. Fortunately for them, nobody questions the veracity of anything the "women's movement" has to say."

We do need to Reject, Condemn, Debunk, and Defund all the gender feminist lies. Doing it publicly is even better so even more people are aware of their lies. Shame on Senator Joe Biden for promoting some of the biggest gender feminist lies of all, contained in the tax payer funded, Violence Against Women Act.

The lies of VAWA have been promoted for years on tax payer funded college and university campuses in their unscholarly women's studies programs. Women's studies is a disgrace to academia.

That the hysterical propaganda of gender feminist "scream queens" has attained such prominence in law is truly an immense disgrace to all of America.

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Gee wiz let's see. Who do I want to be President of the whole USA? Joe "Mad Dog" Biden would be a good choice..........NOT!

There has got to be some serious mental problem with this Biden a_hole!

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