Woman goes undercover as a Man
ABCNews is running a story about a woman who decided to go undercover as a man to discover how men really behave around each other. She discovered that (shockingly!) the differences between men and women were much more than skin deep.
Her experience with these men turned some of her long-held perceptions about men being harsh and rejecting and women being warm and welcoming upside down.
"I mean, it was just the most wonderful rush to get these guys' handshakes, and I felt comfortable, I mean as comfortable as I could feel, right away. They just took me in … no questions asked," she said.
Ed. note: This is a reprint of a story ran in Jan., 2006. However, the content is so incisive, it bears repeating. If you missed it the first time, don't skip it now.
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Saw This Last Time
Don't you just love it when people do things like this and suddenly they're an expert?
>It's that female sexuality is mental. … For a man, it's an urge," she said.
>I think because we [women] don't have testosterone in our systems, we don't understand how hard it is," she said.
Sexuality for a woman is mental? Right! That's why so many women lose their sex drives as they get old, just like men, when their hormones diminish. And that's why women are often given added testosterone to give them back their sex drives in these cases.
As for women not having testosterone in their bodies, give me a break!
Oh well. You've got to give this woman credit. She was open to learning more about what being a man is really about and now she knows a lot more than she did before.
Really Insightful
I found this article very interesting and insightful. I think it shows how the stereotypes of male privilege can shatter when someone becomes capable of actually empathizing with men's experiences.
I'm definitely saving this article for future reference.
This lady has the same distorted concept as many others do
Actually this charade perhaps proves, that not all lesbians are man-hating bitches.
But here is what she says about men picking up women (and by extension the whole dating scene):
"She was quickly reminded that in this arena, it's women who have the power..
In fact, we sit there and we just with one word (sic), 'no,' will crush someone,"
One distortion here is the idea, that a woman saying "no" will crush a man. Most men learn how to easily handle rejection, it is necessary because we are the ones who take the risks (i.e. asking someone out). Also it sounds to me like she is gloating; any woman who says no, just to say no or out of spite, is a feeble coward.
She also fails to recognize, that it is ultimately men who have the power - they can choose not to ask someone out in the first place ;->
undercover woman = inexperienced man
Great observations ax!
I think you're right on about how men learn to handle rejection and the whole dating scene. Her perspective that 'women have the power' is the same false perspective that a young man inexperienced with dating might have. That's hardly surprising given the typical young man's upbringing in this culture that teaches him to put women on a pedestal. Young inexperienced men so often willingly give away their power in a dating situation.
Until a young man learns that 'no' from a women is okay and not the end of the world (i.e. it is in no way a reflection on their ultimate value as a human being or their worthiness to be in a relationship etc...), dating can be a struggle for them. Once they let go of that misconception, dating gets a lot easier and the real power dynamic is revealed - the first mover has the clear advantage!
I noticed the same thingabout testosterone
Women don't have AS MUCH testosterone in their system but they absolutely do have testosterone in their systems by nature. Just as men have estrogen.
What 'does it' for men and women may be different, but sex is both mental and chemical in both sexes. Viagra sells so well exactly because of the mental element of male sexuality that women very often dismiss. I would wager that 98% percent of men who use Viagra or similar erectile dysfunction drugs are not impotent in any way whatsoever. Their partners just don't do it for them and they wrongfully believe that all it should take for a man to get an erection is a warm breeze. But since men aren't allowed to explore their emotions - especially when it comes to sex - they turn to pills instead of even wondering what the real problem might be. I know, I was in their shoes once. I had problems getting it up with a girl I was with and I naturally thought it was all my fault and that not being an on demand sex machine made me less of a man. Then we broke up and I found a new partner who I have never once experienced a single problem with performance. It was only then that I learned that I didn't even like the ex who I couldn't perform for and that it wasn't my job to perform on command for anyone.
Still, though I am very glad that this woman found new insight into maleness and what it is to be a man. I am glad that she now realizes just how good women have it and that men are not the judgmental, Neanderthal, sexist monsters that many women imagine them to be.
A year and a half and she needed hospitalization for severe depression. Makes me think about all the women who love to shout 'you could never handle being a woman' whenever they are claiming sexual inequality with men. I know a few drag queens personally who would disagree with that, but apparently some women can't handle the reverse very well at all.
I wonder which sex has it worse?
I pretty much agree with Paragon about the use of Viagra
I'm sure some guys need Viagra; I'm sure there is such a thing as "premature ejaculation"; I'm sure there's something to the idea of a midlife crisis..BUT:
1)The myth that a man should be ready for sex in all places at all times is a hoax. Every man knows this (and some women claim to) - that men do not just want sex (even teens, believe it or not). In this day and age of bias against men, it is not surprising that we have replaced the "frigid woman" with the "impotent man". Hate to say it, but the more women and society put pressure on men to perform, the more "impotent men" we will have..stress never helped anyone get a hard-on.
2)"premature ejaculation"? How about, "the woman delayed too long"? How about, "the man has a high sex drive"? When a woman comes early, do we call it "premature orgasm"? Instead, that also is blamed on the man.
There is big bucks to be made, with medical "diagnoses" such as the above..doctors, psychotherapists, group therapy, sex therapists, surrogates, etc. It is a proverbial industry, and the only ones getting a hard-on are the providers in their circle-jerks.
3) this (the notion of a midlife crisis) is one of the biggest hoaxes ever foisted upon the public. I agree, a mature man might dump his wife for a young chick, he might buy a sports car, he might buy rogaine..so, WHERE'S THE CRISIS?? It sounds like to me as a reinvigoration, a youthful outlook..after all, even the idiot unethical psychotherapists are always saying, "you're as young as you feel!". It sound to me like it is a crisis only for the older woman who got dumped. In the words of one astute man I used to know, "something's a crisis only if it bothers you".
Does Viagra help pre-mature ejaculation?
though like you said, there really is no such thing as pre-mature ejaculation cause you come when you come, but I don't see how Viagra would help with that as all it does is dilate the blood vessels making it easier for blood to flow through out the body including into the penis. It does not shut off nerve endings reducing sensation.
The point is though, that sex is mental as well for men as it is for women. A guy may well be able to have a one night stand with a woman he doesn't like as a person and just thinks is physically attractive, but he wouldn't be able to keep up the sexual performance if he started dating her because the fact that her personality doesn't do it for him would interfere with his perceptions of her physical sexual attractiveness. There are girl you want to f*ck and there are girls you want to date and these two groups often don't overlap very much.
The thing is it's the same for women. A woman has no problems at all performing for a man she finds physically repulsive if he has other characteristics - like lots of money that he does not know how to control - that she finds sexually appealing. She'll come, she'll have a great time but she'd probably be completely and utterly unhappy if she started dating him exclusively.
Both genders can f*ck without emotion and reach climax, but it takes more for either gender then some one you want to bone to make a ongoing sexual relationship work. We just can't tell men that or the multi-billion dollar Erectile dysfunction drug industry would dry up.