Baby does best with dad off work, study finds
Submitted by AngryMan on Tue, 2007-03-06 13:14
Story here.
'Children are more likely to suffer development problems if their fathers do not take paternity leave or spend enough time with them when they are very young, according to an analysis of thousands of babies born around the turn of the millennium.
A report published today by the Equal Opportunities Commission and based on research tracking 19,000 children born in 2000 and 2001 found emotional and behavioural problems were more common by the time youngsters reached the age of three if their fathers had not taken time off work when they were born, or had not used flexible working to have a more positive role in their upbringing.'
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So, what do you think will happen??
This will be blamed on the fathers themselves, since "obviously" it is their fault they did not take paternity leave.