Boys Education: Colorado schools closing the gender gap
Submitted by anthony on Fri, 2007-03-02 23:45
Article here. Excerpt:
"Over the years, statistics show girls have surpassed boys in school. They are scoring better on standardized tests, achieving more academic honors, and receiving better grades. Educators call this a gender gap.
The Gurian Institute in Colorado Springs started examining why this is happening. Researchers found that boys’ brains work differently than girls’ brains, so they must be addressed differently in the classroom."
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Put this one in the DUH file. But remember, if you say this at Harvard -- you get called a sexist and get fired...
Evil White Male Oppressor
"I am Not a Number I am a Free Man"
Didn't we "discover" decades ago that girls and boys learn differently? Infact, isn't that what inspired schools to start catering to young girls? Come to think of it, isn't that why we're now in this exact position?
Remember, stupidity takes time to resolve
“This is about teachers having increased knowledge about how the brain works,” King said. “I think attention to gender differences absolutely needs to be a part of the conversation at every school.”
Gender differences? Oh no!
While the intentionally anti-male "gap" and its cause are glaringly obvious to anyone who deals in reality instead of feminist ideology, it takes the media and politicians decades to wake up to such things, especially when the people being affected are only men.
That being said, it's a very good sign that these potatoheads are even acknowledging reality. Give it another 20 years and they might suggest doing something about it on a more general basis.
“Our boys made six times the achievement gains of boys in the school district,” King said.
She points out that girls improved as well, but that boys just finally caught up with their counterparts.
Naturally, anything that's done has to benefit girls and women before it can possibly be allowed to do anything to address the needs of boys. Again, remember that it's only the disposable gender - men - that we're talking about here, not someone more important like women.
(I think the sarcasm is probably self-evident).
Why Recess Was Cancelled
"The result, she says, is that boys have a tougher time retaining information while sitting down and listening to a teacher; while girls are wired to fit better into schools."
Schools are an essential part of the seamless Matriarchy that men inhabit.
Consider that from birth through age 22, a typical college-educated young man has been dominated by women for his entire life.
Mom's house, elementary school (90% female teachers), high school (70% female teachers), college if he's not already discouraged about edju-k-shun (60% female enrollment), work in a corporashun (watch what you say -- you might be accused of sexual harassment), marriage?
It's a funny kind of Evil Patriarchy that sets its men up for this kind of lifelong control and domination by its supposed victim class.
But then, feminism is the first successful ideology to enslave its oppressors!
Can you spell C-H-I-V-A-L-R-Y S-U-C-K-S?
Illogical, Mr. Spock..but I am the typical male "over-analyzer"
Let me get this straight: it IS okay to claim boys' brains work differently than girls', as far as how they learn; but it is NOT okay to say they work differently within the context of what boys become better at (Summers' statements about math and science). It must therefore be the case, that the main issue is that feminists don't want it "rubbed in" that boys are better at this; they do not want to hear an explanation, because if the explanation is right, that puts the known phenomenon on more solid ground. In other words, they don't like it when reality gets in their collective face (which is typical of women anyway).
Maybe Summers can get a job as a grade school principal, since perhaps this partially vindicates him; but probably he is still considered a hot potato.
P.S: I have become obsessed with the idea lately, that Gloria Steinem looks like a celery stalk (I have already mentioned that in another thread).
The Bottom Line?
Let's cut to the chase.
Feminism has destroyed America's masculine-powered competitive energy ...
With a little help from NAFTA and the whole free market bullshit ideology.
And 12 million illegal immigrants owning American jobs.
We are what? 30 trillion in debt to a nation where only 5% of its people own a car or a refrigerator? (Thanks Walmart -- i.e. CHINA INC.)
America was founded on a dream.
It has become a nightmare.
When you can pay a Chinese female $1 a day and she's happy to get it...
And ship her day's production to THE-UNITED STATES-OF-WALMART USA...
It's really OVER for the American middle class, right?
Well YES!
This is exactly WHY the N.O.W. are opposed to same sex class rooms - because they DO NOT WANT BOYS TO IMPROVE!!!
They've constructed the current paradigm in early public education around the esteem of little girls. Which totally undermines the performance and esteem of little boys.
It is fundamentally child abuse - but only for the boys.
Same sex class rooms is the way to get away from this - and this is what NOW opposes!!
oregon dad