Glenn Sacks: Targeting Anti-Father, Anti-Male TV Commercials

Article here. Excerpt:

'In November, 2004 we launched the Campaign Against Anti-Father Verizon Commercial, asking Verizon to stop running the commercial "Homework." In that ad a bumbling father tries to help his little daughter with her homework and is treated with contempt by both the girl and her mother, who orders the father to "leave her alone" and "go wash the dog." Our campaign made 300 newspapers, and the Verizon ad stopped running a few weeks later.

Today we are launching another campaign to combat anti-male advertising. Currently, several advertising agencies are competing for a $150 million advertising contract from Volvo. The agency which is the apparent favorite to win the contract is Arnold Worldwide, the creator of several anti-male commercials. Another, Euro RSCG, currently creates ads for Volvo, and created "Rosi," a popular, father-friendly Volvo ad.'

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Send letter to Volvo (it's really easy..takes 15 seconds!)


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I have been unable to reach Glenn's site for a few days. Is he undergoing a denial-of-service attack?

Silence is the voice of complicity.
Just Another Disenfranchised Father

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I just now went to with no trouble. Are you saying you cannot even view the home page, or what?

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I get timeouts...

Silence is the voice of complicity.
Just Another Disenfranchised Father

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If that is the only site you're not connecting to, something funky's going on. Otherwise, maybe some radfem bitch tampered with your "Internet Zone" security settings, while you weren't looking.
Yes, I know I am a big help :(


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