Air Force captain acquitted of rape charges

Story here. Excerpt:

"The defense challenged the veracity of the woman’s claims about her behavior during and following the alleged rape. She told the panel she had not resisted or cried out during the alleged assault, and instead had pretended to be asleep because she had been frightened of Merwin. The woman later testified, however, that she also got up after the alleged attack, then returned and talked to Merwin, and accepted a ride home from him the following morning."

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But of course, the Army wants to be PC these days and bring charges against a man just to say "Look, we are being tough on *whatever*!" A woman is caught cheating and then to throw her husband off she claims she was raped, drags a man into court over it, and makes herself a cause of sympathy for the media, perhaps, or maybe to avoid charges herself? All very predictable.

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