UK: "Life for girl, 17, who stabbed pregnant love rival to death"

Story here. Excerpt:

'A teenage babysitter who stabbed her employer to death after becoming infatuated with her young boyfriend has been jailed for life

Kelly Ross murdered her rival, mother-of-two Tracy Ann Meade, in a fit of jealousy after becoming terrified she would lose her new lover.
Yesterday an Old Bailey judge told Ross, now 17, she would have to serve a minimum of ten and a half years in prison.'

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If it wasn't for the fact that the judge is right that "Nothing can detract from the chilling horror..." of this case it would almost seem as though it was a satire.

The elements of what happened here almost defy belief.

It's like the culmination of nearly everything that society likes to downplay and ignore in female deviant behavior building up to a tragic outcome.

Welfare worker working with disadvantaged youth ends up sleeping with one of the youth she worked with (a bad idea to be sure). She may have tried to entrap him with pregnancy. He likely baulks at the notion he is about to become a father and hooks up with a teen girl but unfortunately she's nuts. Of course he probably never learned how to pick a sane mate because he obviously came from an unfortunate set of circumstances that led him to be involved with social services in the first place. She gets jealous and kills the rival older woman.

This is a poster case example of why society NEEDS to start listening to MRAs.

If women were held accountable like men are this never would have happened. This young man got played by two sick chicks and luckily for him, it was one of his psycho lovers who get killed instead of him. Social workers should not be taking their work to bed with them! Plus, even young women can be as murderously evil as men!

That girl should be locked up longer then 10.5 years though as at age 28 when she is released she will still likely be a huge threat to society.

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