UK: Marriage rates plummet to record lows

Story here. Excerpt:

'While the number of unmarried adults rose in 2005, the number who chose to wed dropped by 10 per cent, producing the lowest marriage rates since they were first calculated in 1862.

Figures released today by the Office for National Statistics show the marriage rate for men was 24.2 per 1,000 unmarried men aged 16 and over, down from 27.8 in 2004.'

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This is great news! I hope men in even larger numbers stop buying into the marriage racket all through the Western countries.

Just say NO to being treated like a hog in the authoritarian social Marxists family court system by simply not getting married or impregnating some slut who is looking for a 18 year free ride on your dime.

Keep the marriage strike going!

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I thought this bit was incredible:

In 2005 men got married, on average, at just over 36 years old, while women married at an average age of 33.6, which represents an overall increase of just over three years for men and just under three years for women from 1995.

When the 1995 figures came out, there were lot's of predictions that the numbers couldn't possibly go any higher. Historically, most people who are going to marry do so by age 30.

However, the new data are a little difficult to compare with the old because the previous numbers I saw used the average age for first marriages, whereas I take it these new ones cover all marriages and thus average older people going at it for the second or third time with first-timers. So I'm guessing the numbers reflect a further decrease in marriage rates among the younger set.

The reader comments were interesting, too.

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