McMissile wielding mom gets 2 years in prison

This article describes a mother unable to control her violent reactions simply because she was cut off in traffic. She threw a fastfood cup full of ice into the other person's car. Thankfully no one was hurt but often times the law is supposed to consider not just what DID happen but what COULD have happened.

My favorite part however, which is something everyone should vote on, is their poll, in which one of the options is: "No. Nobody got hurt and society will be worse off with a mother in prison for this crime"

I wonder how the vote would go if it was a father, would society be worse off with him in prison? As an added bonus, the father is off serving his country in Iraq while the mother is getting herself arrested while she's responsible for 3 children.

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As of this posting, the poll says 896 voters answered "no", while 241 answered "yes". So you can quantify the double-standard; justice for men-as-fathers is ~25% of justice for women-as-mothers! We all know how that plays out in the courtroom, too.

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1227 No
to 319 yes

I wonder if anyone thought for even one second - as it would be everybody's very first thought if it were a man - that if this woman can't control her rage with the kids in the back seat, can she control it when the kids are misbehaving? Does she freak out and through things at them or beat the hell out of them like she was a first grade teacher or something....

No matter what, the whole thing was right in front of her kids and that certainly can't be a good example to set for them...

Who cares, though, it's just mom, and we all know mothers aren't capable of abusing their kids... R I G H T !

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Read the article!

excuse after excuse after excuse after excuse :P

It's disgusting.


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