Black Widow Almost Escaped

Story here.

The link above is about the appeal of a black widow who was convicted of 1st degree murder in Michigan of all places and sentenced to LWOP. A political hack state circuit court judge overturned that sentence and reduced it to second degree murder which would have made her eligible for parole in a short time. However, that was appealed to the state appeals court which reinstated the original sentence of life without parole. The political "fix" may have been in because the female governor is rumored to be working behind the scenes to free this vicious killer.

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Her defense of being abused doesn't fly with me. If she had the cognitive and emotional fortitude to diligently plan, carry-out, and cover-up his gruesome murder, then, she certainly had the faculties to walk away from an abusive situation (real, imagined, or invented). Nowadays, there is no lack of support for females who claim to be in abusive relationships; I wish the same could be said for males!

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