Why yes, MSN, you are, in fact, better-off single!

MSN's editorial character once again takes a turn and out comes this. It lists the many reasons one is better-off single but alas neglects to mention the legal-risk factor.

But even stranger, MSN also asks women if they are not afraid of commitment themselves, then lists the ways this can manifest itself! That article is here. Excerpt:

'For years, it was the men who had the monopoly on commitment-phobia. But what about commitment-phobic women? Yes, women! Raised to believe that men are the commitment-shy gender, many women coast through life completely oblivious about their own commitment anxiety—believing they want a relationship yet systematically pushing away one perfectly suitable candidate after another. Isn’t it high time we looked at ourselves and admit that maybe, just maybe, we are the ones who have become commitment-challenged?'

Wow... mark this date in song and legend!

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The authoress advises the commitment-phobic women out there -

"But indecision and anxiety are a very normal part of making a commitment to someone. If you weren’t a little uncertain, then you’d have something to worry about! Face the fact that there’s never going to be a time when you’re 100 percent certain of anything. So if you’re 80 percent sure that the person you’re with will make a good partner, then that’s all the certainty you’re ever going to get."

Duh? Being born female guarantees “that there’s never going to be a time when you’re 100 percent certain of anything.”

This qualifies as feminist scientific logic at its very finest! She must have majored in quantum physics.

Ever closely watch a woman primping in front of her make-up mirror?

She’s entirely uncertain that she’s seeing an actual reflection ... of "herself."


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Are you kidding? What committment?

Marriage is a goldmine for American women. And they know it. The only thing they may be "afraid" of is whether they should settle for one guy for the moment or wait for a better one to come along who they can take for even more money. Just like purchasing an investment. Except this investment pays for itself! What a deal!

Don't worry, ladies. The government allows you to collect support at the same time from however many suckers you can accumulate, whether you have children with them or not.

This is even better than "choice"!

This article assigning committment-phobia to women is just another feminist smokescreen, assigning "equality" to women where it doesn't exist.

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First of all, men are not "commitment-phobic"..for some reason, that seems to have become accepted as common "wisdom". When a man does not commit, there is usually a good reason..even if the man is not consciously aware of what the exact reason may be, he has a feeling that something is wrong. When a woman says a man is "afraid to commit", it is usually because she is afraid to examine herself, e.g. the kind of negative messages she might be sending, or the obnoxious things she may be doing or saying.

Secondly, it is interesting that in this article, we are told that there may be a good reason for a woman not to commit..why is that same logic not used by media geniuses when they talk about men's "fear" of commitment?


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"Secondly, it is interesting that in this article, we are told that there may be a good reason for a woman not to commit..why is that same logic not used by media geniuses when they talk about men's "fear" of commitment?"

Its obvious - a man's fear is to be ridiculed, while a woman's fear is a call to arms. That is if they actually consider men's fear of being raped in divorce courts to be valid - they don't. Men who voice their doubts are considered foolish, men who wish to have a prenup signed are said to be already thinking of divorce and are not romantic.


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Considering how the feminist line has always been that marriage is the preferred way for patriarchal a$$hole slobby men to oppress women, it's surprising it's taken so long for women to discover committment-phobia. Perhaps there's a hopeful sign in there somewhere.

I think the article would have been more accurate if it had just said "many women coast through life completely oblivious", and left it at that.

What a great statement this was when one enlarges it to include the whole gender wars situation: "Picking fights, acting moody, and making your partner [i.e., men] feel like he’s always doing something wrong is a great way to get someone to break up with you." Ya think?

* MB

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Even IF a woman enters a marriage with the best of intentions, she always has the option of leaving. If she doesn't like what she sees, then she can quit at any time for no particular reason. With a false abuse charge thrown in, she can keep the kids, the house, half the money, and receive free checks in the mail from the ex-husband.

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Articles like this kill me! They always infer that there is a pool of eligible women of the cover-girl caliber who have thumbed their noses at marriage. The fact of the matter is that women in the marriageable range are likely either overweight, single parents or both. Typically, the eligible diva is a fat, lazy homebody with any number of (undisciplined) kids from any number of biological fathers. You will find her parked in front of the TV, watching soap box operas, stuffing junk food in her pie-hole, and bitching about how hard she has it.

That leaves what? A minority of stuck-up bimbos whose outward looks (mainly an illusion not unlike Bozo the Clown) don’t compensate for their stuck-up attitudes.

Anyone interested in a blind-date? LOL

Obese Link


Single Parent Link

Single Parents

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They need your sperm...

Recent surveys suggest that 70% of Ivy League university-educated, careerist young women want to drop out of the rat race and make babies and have a husband support their breeding addiction for twenty-plus years.

They want babies so much, that they are willing to sacrifice all the career advantages that their expensive educations provided.

An educated woman seeking sperm is ...


(And a very expensive waste of taxpayer's money to fund college education...)

Gotta respect that syndrome of Girrrrrllzzz Power ... another testimony of feminism's diabolical cultural success!

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I am amazed to see so much posting traffic hereabouts... you can be "New" for about 14 seconds now!

How can we promote this "elite" site more?

Maybe cross-posting and citing your original posts to mensactivism?

It's just part of the bigger 'Net issue challenges among MRA's ---

how to create a more inclusive web framework, with greater linkages and a sense of a wider MRA community ...

err... tribe...

err.... army...

errr... sophisticated political force.


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Maybe we can get some kind of additional entries or cross-references in Wikipedia..not necessarily this site itself. It already has "Men's rights" and "misandry".

Would this be worthwile, and do you guys have any recommendations?


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