Man who isn't father must pay child support anyway

Story here. Excerpt:

"Once again, Missouri judges have ordered a man to pay thousands of dollars in child support for a child he didn't father.

This time, even the child's mother agrees the man is not the father. Yet a state agency says he is, because he was married to the woman when she gave birth.

The state wants David Salazar thrown in jail, and an appeals court on Tuesday agreed."

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When the state starts throwing people in prison because of debt it is time to start exercising other Constitutional remedies.

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Torch the courthouse where the verdic came down!

If they allow alleged rapists and alleged murderers off based on DNA evidence indicating that he did not commit the crime - then they MUST!!! let men off with exactly the same evidence!!!

oregon dad

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Isn't this the kind of thing for which a man could justly seek political asylum in another country?

How many Americans attempt that?

With laws like these in place, more people should.

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Could be American pride. Even many Americans in prison still love America and would not leave. Patriotism runs strong in Americans and even in tough times they wouldn't choose anywhere else to live.

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