Woman chops off boyfriend's nipple and penis on Valentine's Day

There's a bit of gold in the article, a quote from the victim:

"Reynato said that if he had married his girlfriend like the mom wanted, she probably (the mom) would not have stopped nagging them anyway and he saw no need of marrying her as it kept their relationship much more alive that way."

That's the attitude we all shoud have, we just need to avoid women who "warned him that if he did not get her what she wanted after staying with him that long, then she would cut off a part of her body that he loved the most."

Article here

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He forgives her????!! AND would take her back?????!!!!!!!

Um, why? She mutilated his body!

She is obviously extremely unstable and what happens the next time she doesn't get her way?

So much for Asian girls being less nuts then American girls I guess...

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This guy is a complete and utter jackass. He had penis re-attached, will he go home and have sex with this Psycho.?

If he forgives her he probably won't press charges. What happens if this situation happens again?...This woman?...Once a Psycho, always more crazy than a shit house rat. I just don't understand. If it happens again, he deserves it!


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Check out www.hipfox.com for other weird National Enquirer-type stories.

Among their lead lines ---

"Johannesburg, South Africa - A South African man, who had planned to take his wife for a vacation in the Sahara desert later ended up on his knees begging for his life after his mastermind plan of killing her failed."

"Lagos, Nigeria - A would be 17 year old stowaway who hid in the the wheel well of a cargo airplane for more than 12 hours was busted by airport workers when he climbed back down to urinate."

"This just coming in from India: Two young aspiring models, committed suicide Tuesday night after learning that their idol, Anna Nicole Smith wouldn’t be coming back."

Who says there's no real journalism anymore? ;-)

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No one ever deserves that kind of viscous brutality upon them , not ever. This was not self defense, he was attacked.

Even if he took her back - when she gets out of prison as she was arrested and charged - he would not deserve more abuse. Abused women who run back to their abusers don't deserve it and neither do abused men. He has been deeply traumatized and he may feel - especially now that he is mutilated - that he has no choice and that no woman would want him.

It's not a good way of thinking, but it's how abused victims often end up thinking completely regardless of gender.

Either way, he's an idiot for saying that and I truly hope that his friends and family love and care about him enough to help him get over her and move on instead of the self loathing "I deserve no better, it's really my fault" thoughts that are likely behind his words.

But thinking stupid thoughts like that still does not mean a person is deserving of horrific attacks with a machete

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The headline is incorrect.

She cut off her *own* nipple.

And that was mentioned first in the headline, despite the other cutting on her part being much more painful and horrifying, and being the actual crime!

Ah, but the other cut only affected a man, not the woman herself. So of course it gets second billing.

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I'm just not really interested in that though - she probably only did it to win sympathy. I could care less how she mutilates her own body. It's hers, she can cut of bits all she wants as far as I'm concerned.

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