UK: Most spiked drink victims actually legless

Perhaps if a woman claims someone spiked her drink, we should ask if self-diagnosis by a drunk person is the most reliable source of information. Excerpt:

"Researchers at Wrexham Maelor Hospital who tested wobbly hospital patients who claimed their drinks had been spiked found most were simply legless, the BBC reports."

Here is the story.

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Date rape drugs are pretty much a myth. The only people who believe they are actually common are fem-wits who's single goal in life is to take away all accountability and responsibility from all women.

Common sense tells anyone that this is true. Ask yourself, have you ever heard of anyone you either know personally or even as a story from some one you know who knows some one who's used date rape drugs?

Do you know where to get them? Do you know anyone who does?

I know more then a few people who use drugs and also more then a few who sell drugs - any drugs you could imagine I know some one who can get them for you. But, I know no one, not one person who knows how to obtain date rape drugs.

I have never heard of anyone I know using them or even falling victim to them.

They are about the most uncommon drugs in existence as far as I have witnessed or heard about.

Why would you need them in the first place when most young women I know are more then happy to get drunk and naked all on their own as soon as you put on some music and say the word party.

I have always thought that this whole date rape drug thing was as the doctors suggested, an EXCUSE by women to avoid responsibility for their own poor choices and regrettable behavior. When she sobers up and can't find her panties, she automatically concludes that she was drugged.

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the local news here have a surprising lack of reports on date rape drugging.

considering how happy the media tends to be when it comes to this sort of thing, i figure it only goes to show that date rape drugging is total bull.

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The only 'reports' I have ever seen in my area were in teen drama TV series or adult crime series like CSI... in other words fictional reports designed sole to build fear.

I have heard claims in the news media that date rape drugs are suspected to explain the alleged victims lack of detail and railroad whoever she pointed to when she came to into jail, but there never seems to be proof of the positive for date rape drugs blood test variety... of course most of the cases I've seen where the alleged victim claimed to have been drugged also tended to be late reporters where a blood test would be meaningless because the event occurred weeks or months ago...

I'm sure date rape drugs exist, but I have serious doubts about how often they are used. I'd say that the actual occurrence of date rape drugs would be statistically irrelevant in the total number of sexual assaults.

And since I'm not the - if it ever happened to even one person ever then we must blame all people who are a member of the gender of the person that perpetrated the offense for it - type. I don't like the fear mongering hang 'em high sentiment that type of people create.

I'm more the - each person and situation is unique - type and lets find out what happened in that situation and treat both parties according to the situation they were involved in and not punish the perceived perpetrator for all of societies offensive behavior.

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Roy submitted this link re this same issue on 2/18/07.

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