Essay: Senator Joseph Biden: A Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing

Essay here. Excerpt:

'Senator Biden needs to get his facts straight. On May 19, 2006 the Center for Disease Control confirmed that over 150 studies have found females are equally likely as males to engage in domestic violence and dating violence. The Senator is helping to continue to hide the other half of that “dirty little secret.”'

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Biden is trying to guarantee himself the vote of women, as well as those (men and women) who believe that women are victims in general.


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If Hillary is elected in 2008, you can bet there will be a no-holds-barred onslaught of this propaganda. Here’s the line-up:

1. The democrats now control both houses.
2. The Speaker of the House (Pelosi) is a self-proclaimed Fem-Nazi.
3. Most politicians (male and female alike) won’t take a stand against this propaganda either through ignorance or fear of loosing their seats should they contradict what’s politically correct.
4. Now add Hillary to the formula?!

Not to mention the media is largely left-friendly and quick to publish and support biased domestic violence statistics that paint a one-sided (man bad/woman victim) picture. Think things are bad now!?

Here's a Parody I found on JibJab that says it all:

Hail Chick

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Though I do think its possible Hillary will become president, I do not feel its a forgone conclusion. If it does happen, things will get much worse before things get better (regarding our movement). If Hillary is president and runs an anti-male agenda....our issues will become more apparent to our gender. At this point, I don't feel the majority of men are aware of the continued bigotry and massive double standards. Hillary must understand that men are a vital part of her demographic. I dont want to become too political, but the person who would easily defeat her...Rudy Guilanni.



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Devastating Bill Maher comment on Hillary...

But you have to listen to 4:00 of evil (and really funny) liberal rants about The Shrub to get to the segment.

(Quote) – “Hillary’s campaign will prove one thing once and for all ... It’s the 21st Century and America is ready for an election night CONCESSION SPEECH from a woman... Yes! I think it’s about time.

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He has described himself as a feminist supporter. He had Gloria Stienem on his HBO show, he kissed her ass by abusing all political white men in power. He makes Michael Moore look like Joseph Stalin. Maher is a jackass, and aside from the very few that worship his left wing agenda, most see him as a political vigilante. I really don't worry about his ignorance. His show will disappear when Bush is out of office. His humour (or lack of) is only based on abusing Bush..Maher should send bush royalities. Believe me, Bush has made massive mistakes, but Maher uses every ounce of Bush to progress his limited media appeal.


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"President Bush’s relationship with the Texas Rangers shows a similar pattern of curious business dealings.

In investigating his purchase of the Texas Rangers, the Wall Street Journal commented that following “a pattern repeated through his business career, Mr. Bush’s play did not quite make the grade.”

In 1989, an investment group Bush led was given preferential treatment to buy the Texas Rangers baseball team by its seller, a friend of George Bush, Sr. When they underbid for the team baseball commissioner Peter Ueberroth brought another financier into the deal, “out of respect for his father.”

President Bush Bush later successfully promoted a controversial arrangement in which the City of Arlington provided a $135 million subsidy for a new ballpark, funded by a sales tax increase, with an option for the team to repurchase the park at a vastly reduced price.

The present President Bush realized $15 million on a $600,000 investment when he sold his share of the team in 1998."

It’s one thing to lead a country into a foolish war under false pretenses; but, profiteering from baseball racketeering is un-American, no matter who's The Decider.

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A Republican Congress and a Republican president happily passed VAWA legislation. Watching you guys pile on Biden for supporting the VAWA is like watching people dump on McCain for being one of the Keating Five, completely ignoring the other four guys involved.

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What gets me is how Joe "Mad Dog" Biden has been taken seriously over the years. He is a senior Senator and got into office and stays in office by a state wide election were he has to have just about as many male votes as female votes. The crowning achievement of his career the infamous VAWAct was renewed without any opposition votes whatsoever. For someone that had his sister as a dominatrix and pisses on men's rights whenever he gets the chance, not too bad!
However, I think it is a shame that out of all the people who are diagnosed with terminal cancer every month he isn't one of them.

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I didn't know that. Might explain why he panders to women so much though... she may have practiced on him when they were young so he grew up learning to please his mistress or else.

Perhaps he likes to piss on other men's rights because his sister liked to piss on him when when he was a kid... lol

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But I agree, right-wingers have been complicit too. Like Barbara Bush says, "there are a lot of glass ceilings!".

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