UK: Femme fatale who broke men's hearts in £250,000 scam is jailed

Story here.

"A SERIAL bride who left a string of broken hearts and plundered bank accounts after fleecing men she met through lonely-hearts adverts was jailed for two years yesterday.

Emma Golightly, 22, met her victims, seduced them and then stole their cash, spending the money on exotic holidays, chauffeur-driven cars and expensive hotels and restaurants."

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Get this from the article:

'At Newcastle Crown Court, the judge, David Wood, accepted that she was suffering from a personality disorder but said the offences of theft, deception and attempted deception were so serious as to merit a jail term.'

'Personality disorder'? So what even if it's so?! Many men behind bars for similar or worse crimes are unarguably sociopathic/personality disordered, or otherwise insane and are not given the least consideration for these conditions in any way, shape, or form. That the perp in this case is 'personality disordered' at the very least is obvious, but wholly irrelevant. The judge never even should have addressed the comment.

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Men are punished in spite of the circumstances leading up to the commission of the crime... "It's an explanation for what happened, not an excuse" is the mindset. So regardless of what the explanation is the common way to proceed is to impose punishment anyway to "pay the debt to society"

Women are not seen as having a debt to society rather society is seen as having a debt to them as well as the myth that women are more treatable and reformable then men, so "look for any explanation to get this woman off or drastically reduced sentence" is the mindset in dealing with female offenders.

So what is discounted as interesting but irrelevant in determining appropriate punishment for males is seen as completely valid reason to offer women a second chance and as much help [read: free money and education to help her better herself and a team of BS mental health professionals who will agree 100% with anything the female offender says] as she feels she needs.

In cases like this the men who were victimized are seen as the fools who fell for her scam. They are viewed as weak and pathetic for falling victim to a female who preyed on their vulnerabilities [read: they were just a bunch of losers who couldn't get a date anyway which is why they were taking out lonely heart ads in the first place]. They are viewed with little sympathy really.

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If she committed these frauds in Britain then why would she risk jail time? All she would have had to do was simply marry the dolts and then file for divorce in a couple of months. Then the misandric family law system in the UK would take the dolt(s) to the proverbial alimony cleaners and turn the loot over to her and no jail time.

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Divorce court can take months, she ripped off 5+ guys in allot less time then it would take her to clean out one in divorce court.

She was going for as much as she could get as quickly as she could get it and she obviously felt her vagina entitled her to it and she had no fear of consequences.

She just got to over confident and carried away and now she will hopefully be made to feel a good bit of suffering for all the suffering she has inflicted on others.

Although reading through the comments from the article does not give much hope as almost no one displays sympathy for her victims and one even thinks she committed no crime at all and that these men merely got what was coming to them for all the men that have ever lied to a woman.... I hope the judge doesn't feel the same as many of the commenters.

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