Canada: 'Activists say fathers' rights ignored in custody battle, but experts disagree'

Story here. Excerpt:

'REGINA (CP) - Fathers embroiled in custody battles for their children face an "unfeeling" and "unfair" justice system, an activist group charged Tuesday after a controversial court decision in Saskatchewan.

The group Fathers for Justice said the case of a Saskatoon man who lost custody of his biological baby son shows the system is plagued with problems, but at least one legal expert disagreed. "It's a horrendous experience," said Kris Titus, one of the group's founding members. "And I think a lot of people are losing custody of their children unfairly."

On Monday, a judge ruled it was in the best interest of the nine-month-old baby to stay with a Prince Albert couple who were given custody by the biological mother and have raised the child since birth.'

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From the article:

'"What's interesting . . . is what weight do we place on genetics, what weight do we place on caregiving?"'

OK, so if I could show or at least convince some authority that I could be a better parent than you, would I have the right to claim your child as mine *and* make you pay C/S to me until he or she was 18 (or older)?

Amazing, the bizarre thinking at work with these people.

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where the woman can abort, abandon or even put a child up for adoption without consent of the other biological parent.

if the care giving is better with the adopted couple, then why aren't ALL single mothers forced to give up their child to adoptive couples??!!!??

It is clearly NOT in the best interest of a child to have a selfish, and socially costly single mom having custody. And it costs the rest of us for this to be so common. In most cases, single moms don't need kids, they need cats.

Look how many single moms parade men through a childs life in an attempt to entrap yet another source of income, "in the interests of the child?". I think not.

oregon dad

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