Jerusalem Post: Advantage - mothers?

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"All the old psychological studies say the mother is the most important figure in the life of a young child and the father is less important," continues Frishtick. "This theory needs to be reevaluated; today there are many fathers who want to raise their children and custody needs to be decided based on what is best for the child.

"Fathers need to have more rights or the custody needs to be shared equally. There are development issues that are enhanced by shared custody. It needs to move in the direction of a partnership," he states, adding that the conference was for informational purposes only and "no concrete conclusions were reached on the matter."

Interestingly, one women's rights activist, Ruth Halperin-Kaddari, is quoted as saying:

'This [law] is the only area in which women have more power than men in divorce disputes," she says. "If this is supported, it will have a serious impact, taking away what little power women do have.'"

To Ms. Halperin-Kaddari, it is not about what's best for the children. It's all about ensuring women have power over men.

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The more I read on MRA sites, and books by people like Farrell, the more I realize..ain't no way this boy's ever gettin' married, no way no-how. Maybe it's me..maybe I'm "scared to commit"; maybe I deep down don't like women and am just looking for an excuse not to relate to them; maybe I am just hearing what I like to hear..but all that is psychology, and side-steps the actual fact: that in most cases, it IS a piss-poor idea for a man to get married these days. (note to psychologists: that's called reality).


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