CBC Toronto Radio One: What does it mean to grow up without a father?

CBC Toronto Radio One, Metro Morning feature here.

"What does it mean to grow up without a father?

A generation ago the mother-led family — while hardly rare — was still an anomaly. That's no longer the case.

For one community in particular, the reverse is true. About 40 per cent of black children in Canada grow up without a father. Among Toronto's Jamaican-Canadians, the numbers are even more dramatic: two out of three children grow up without a father (Statistics Canada, 2000).

In "Growing Up Without Men," young black adults tell us their stories. We also hear why so many fathers are absent from their children's lives and what it will take to turn the situation around."

CBC's feature mostly discusses how women and children are victimized by fathers' abandonment, but they did have Senator Anne Cools, a long time vocal equal parenting advocate, on the show this morning.

The final installment of Metro Morning's feature on this topic can be heard on Friday on CBC Radio One (99.1 in Toronto) or online here.

The feedback forum can be read here.

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Here is what it means to grow up without without a father:

When I was very young, my dad went away. When he came back a couple months later, my mom wouldn't let him in the house (he had never been violent). So he filed for divorce, and I only saw him a couple more times before he died when I was 22.

My mom then provided us three kids with parental alienation syndrome by mentioning all the bad things my dad had done.

Without a father, there was constant fighting between me, my brother and sister. I had problems in school, problems with authority, made the wrong kind of friends and was ostracized to a large extent by the other boys. I dropped out of college three times, had trouble in the military, and could not maintain a stable work career once I was discharged. I did not have much in the way of normal dating relationships with women.

I was in therapy for 19 years. I now have severe clinical depression and live on disability.

Am I blaming all this on one or two people? No. I am just telling what it is like to grow up without a father.


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