Attempted False Accusations Against Police Thwarted by Camera

As many MRA's already know, many women do make false accusations to punish men they feel wronged by or if it simply benefits them. In this clip of a show from MSNBC, covers two incidents where police officers were falsely accused of sexual assault by women and the only thing between them and some serious jail time was a surveillance camera installed in their cruiser which records them during their stops. Please save this clip and share it with as many people as you can! Whenever a feminist/woman-firster claim women aren't capable of this, show them this clip (10.8 MB .wmv file)!


Ed. note: Yes, a large file, and rapidshare makes you wait a minute to get the download. Still, it is worth it to get and see this clip. It is definitely a keeper.

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The tapes that these beat cops record can be accessed only by THEIR SUPERVISORS?

That's a prescription for coercion and corruption.

Same old shitstem!

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If lying, conniving bimbos don’t hesitate to falsely accuse a police officer of sexual abuse, then, how hard would it be for them to falsely accuse a regular citizen?! Regular citizens don’t normally wear hidden cameras to back-up their story. Perhaps this will become the fad with more-and-more whack-jobs taking advantage of laws that presumably were intended to protect the innocent, but, have become readily available tools for chronically malcontent, vindictive psychos to use to wreck havoc on the innocent!

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Cunt! She's so upset over a ticket she has to attempt to ruin a man's career? Her motivation: "If I was in a Jaguer...I would not have been pulled over." If you listen closely, she had a suspended license. Such an ideal poster girl for elitest discrimination.

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If you'd like to avoid Slowshare, I've (temp) mirrored it:

Don't pay attention to the ssl certificate's fine.

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Why does the general public allow itself to continue to be hoodwinked, that women "never lie" about this type of thing (just like rape, right?). What really gets my goat, is that a couple weeks ago I visited my cousing in Orlando, and when I mentioned how easy it is to get a restraining order these days, she freaks out and says, "Oh no, not in Orange County!!! It takes a really long time and hard evidence..blah blah blah!!" Well I guess Orange County is utopia for violent men, maybe they should all move there (after all, Orlando IS fantasy-land you know).

How can I reconcile her statement with the fact, that none other than Glen Sacks has mentioned how easy it is to get an R.O.? They are a dime a dozen - in many locales, there doesn't even need to be an allegation of violence!

Sorry to change the subject.

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Did anyone notice that the skank on camera gave an oath? Perjery on tape.
Also note that she felt (didn't even claim to have evidence) that she was pulled over because she was not in a pricey car like a Mercedes or Jag. As though feeling and fact are interchangable.
My question what was she doing that caused the officer to pull her over? That would have been in the beginning of the tape.
Another question:
Is she being prosecuted for perjery and knowingly filing a false report?
How easily will she get off on those felonies?

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There are many women and for that matter men who willingly remain completely ignorant of reality. They believe what they were taught by their parents or whoever and never bothered to look at what's really going on every day around them to see if what is really happening matches what they believe of the world.

Your cousin is happily married I would assume and probably has girlfriends who are also happily married or partnered and thus has never had any reason to come into contact with the (in)justice system in Orange county. She's perfectly happy with that arrangement and until the day her or one of her friends son's is thrown out and robbed by a vindictive partner with no evidence at all she'll never come to her senses.

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