Girls beat girl senseless, upload video to Internet

As if actually waylaying and beating her wasn't bad enough, they have to upload it to some site on the Internet. CNN reports on the the whole thing here (video). Send this along to your friends who think "girls just don't/can't do that sort of thing".

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The media is having a field day with this one. Larry King said "I can understand boys doing this...but GIRLS?"

I'm sick of hearing statements like this. It's as if we're animals that are capable of anything, while women are civilized angels that could never do these things. WHen it does happen, it's a huge shock and statements like the one above MUST be spoken in order to remind us that boys will always be worse.

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Tens of such videos with girls extremely fiercely fighting have been available in the Internet for years. The fact that CNN somewhat voluntarily and deliberately decided to show such a video to public is a good sign as I see it.

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I wonder if these girls could be prosecuted under the Violence Against Women Act?

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The so-called violence expert interviewed in the video clip stated that they have been tracking increasing female-on-female violence for over a decade.

Too bad they didn't link this story with well known objective scholarship on domestic violence stats that show women initiating 50% or more of all family DV incidents.

Women have never been non-violent. Queens and Empresses and behind-the-scenes concubines have sent male armies to war and slaughter since time began. Mothers murder their children at higher rates than do fathers. Pregnant women in China abort their female fetuses without a second thought.

The only "shocking" spin on this silly bit of fake news is that girls are now emulating the Lara Crofts, Buffy's, Alias Gal, Thelma & Louise syndrome, i.e. it's cool now to directly "kick some ass."

Girls have traditionally used indirect, third-party means of aggression such as slander, rumor-mongering, destroying reputations, using friendship as a weapon, shunning, isolating, etc.

Feminism is the ultimate institutionalization of female violence through its corruption of laws, basic principles of justice, and the systematic teaching of contempt for men.

There is nothing remotely "new or shocking" about feminine violence.

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In contrast to Roy's considered analysis, I'll just link to my favorite in this genre (though this one's somewhat humorous): Girl Slapfest

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