Multiple Female teachers punished In Utah

Story here. Excerpt:

"It seemed like a bad week for female educators in Utah — three of them appeared in court over charges of sexual misconduct with underage male students. For prosecutors, this is a simple matter. A crime is a crime."

"But for some people, the idea of a female teacher engaging in sexual activity with a boy does not strike them as criminal."

"People just do not view males as victims in these types of cases, and it's especially true when it's a female victimizing the male," Searle said. "Some people say, 'How were you a victim in something every boy dreams about?"

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And for some other people, having sex with 3 year old children is okay. By this logic, it shoudln't be a crime either.

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Assuming that this was all consentual sex, I wonder if the teenage boys really felt victimized. If I had to guess I'd say that they thought they felt like studs and that this was awesome. If I had had that kind of opportunity in high school, I'd have taken it!

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