Male Lawyer arrested for "Holiday Kiss"

Story here. Excerpt:

"A criminal defense attorney has been arrested on a disorderly conduct charge involving kissing as a crime.
Crozier said the video will prove he meant nothing sexual by the kiss, which he described as a peck on the cheek. He says the incident is an example of political correctness run amok.

'It was a Christmas greeting. I had no intention to annoy or harass anybody,' Crozier said. 'Every one of us knew we were on camera. This was a peck on the cheek. That was the extent. There was nothing here that was weird or sexual.'"

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Probably he was drunk or something. Knowing about all that terror against men with false accusations of harassment at work, no attorney in his right mind would ever imagine to kiss a female colleague.

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this as an example of a knave being "hoisted by his own petard!"

ha! ha! ha!

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