Bulgaria: Mandatory DNA tests

Story here. Excerpt:

"Bulgaria has decided to create a DNA database of all fathers in the country in an attempt to make it easier for courts to rule in fatherhood cases."

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..and it ends at Big Brother for everyone. This might wake up a few people for MR issues.

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The obligatory DNA tests will be a contribution to the Europe-wide efforts to build up a biometric security network. Fingerprints as well as DNA are unquestionable identification of each individual, experts remind.

I like how only the men are being inputted into their "database." Don't women commit crimes too?

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They don't. They are "victims themselves" with a "history of" [abuse/pain in the little finger/whatever], while men do not have any kind of history and are simply evil. Don't you know? :)

The article has become inaccessible at the link before I mirrored it, darn.

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