Ready Yourselves for the Nancy & Louise Show

Well someone has to say something about this 800-lb. gorilla in the room...

Unless you have been without modern communications of any kind for the past several months it will be no news to you that Nancy Pelosi was elected Speaker of the House of Representatives yesterday.

Those who read MANN with a less-than-sympathetic eye to MRAs may be quick to assume that the objection most MRAs have to Pelosi's ascension to the Speakership is that she is a woman. The problem is not that she is a woman; it is that she is a feminist. She and fellow travelers (such as Lousie Slaughter) are now in a position to pursue long-desired legislative agendas that are not likely to be in the interests of men and particularly, men-as-fathers.

There is a lot to do for this Congress, and a lot of internal fighting and struggle is likely to be the hallmark of the next two years (at least) of Congressional life, so what they can and can't get done remains to be seen. Nonetheless, it behooves MRAs to keep a close eye on the legislative pipeline in this Congress, particularly as it affects the issues we hold as being most critical to the rights and well-being of boys and men.

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We have endured that self-loathing maggot Joseph Biden since 1972 and his misandric VAWact why should we be all that concerned about Pelosi?

Yes, I know Pelosi is in the House and Biden is a Senator.

Now that there is a female of sorts as House Speaker we can justifiably say that it is high time for society to start demanding and expecting more from women.

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Female feminists are bad, but they are not especially dangerous because generally they are stupid and hysterical and also because they are an open enemy. Male feminists are much worse. VAWA has been approved unanimously by Congress where males are majority.

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Americans should be concerned. She is in a position of power where it’s her duty to serve PEOPLE, women AND men, feminists have proven beyond any shadow of doubt they do not consider men in any issue they confront, all eyes on Nancy.

It may present an interesting opportunity to strike a blow to feminism, every American now has a right to protest any biased move she makes, the people own her.

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You and Luek make good points. Guess we shall just have to wait and see what happens. Semper vigilantis!

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Pelosi doesn't worry me too much. She doesn't have much time to concern herself with actual anti-male legislation in between her Botox treatments and week-end plastic micro-surgeries.

This woman is a classic G-MILF. (G for grandmother ... the rest is in her own mind.)

I swear the current cover of Ms. Magazine photoshopped Nancy's bust and waist to give her the ideal hourglass figure. Raunch feminism at its most revealing!

Just for yucks ... see Nancy as Marilyn at -

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