SAFE (Stop Abuse For Everyone) International Newsletter Available

If you would like the Premier Edition, end of the year "wrap up", please visit this link and request a copy or go to to download a copy from the SAFE website.

Let's hope for a productive New Year!

Lee Newman
Executive Director, SAFE International
Director, SAFE-NH

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I went to the "Resource list Canada - Ontario (, and went to click on "Education Wife Assault" (, and got immediately redirected to "Springtide resources" (, which appears to be a group dedicated exclusively to ending violence against women?!?!?!

Lies, more lies.

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“SAFE is a human rights organization
We are not a men's rights organization, or a women's rights organization, or a gay rights organization. We are also from all over the political spectrum, from very liberal to very conservative. Some of us call ourselves feminists, some of us don't.
What this means to you is that you'll need to be willing to work with people from other types of backgrounds, respectfully. If you can't work with a person who calls themselves a feminist (or vice versa), then you might consider another organization.”

I really don’t know enough about safe it sounds very fair but so does most of the “gender neutral” “humanist”/feminist orgs like un ai.

Their philosophy is how governments and most human rights orgs *should* operate.

It is so painfully simple, to be equal you have to treat people equally, that means all men are not privileged and women are not the only victims. I hope some day we as a society will look back at the last 30 years of feminism and laugh very hard at how stupid we all were.

I think once any feminist starts to concern themselves with men’s issues they are no longer feminist, Just like mra’s are needed now, feminists were needed however their now invalid, yet powerfull movment is causing problems.

I think the goal for us is a working towards creating a society where us mra’s become obsolete, then bang we are all humanists.

Otherwise in 80 years society will be looking back at the last 30 years our masculist society and laughing at how stupid we all were.

Isn’t humanism the goal?

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Okay, let's say we have to "work with" all kinds of people, even feminists (even though the bulk of them are neo-fascists) that still leaves unanswered the question of why some idiot, would post a series of links leading to a "violence against women" site?
In case you didn't know it, this is an MRA site. Are you sending links to feminist groups, pointing to mens' rights sites or data? The only semi-descent feminist group I know of is iFeminists, and I am even a little suspicious of it, after recently reading details of McElroy's background. (I have news for McElroy too: women were not given the right to vote "years later" than Blacks were. Regardless of the Constitution, which is violated regularly, Blacks did not truly have the right to vote until President Johnson created and implemented the Voting Rights Act during his administration. Also, the suffragettes (sp.) were racist pigs, achieving much of what they did on the backs of Black males; and they made it very clear that they meant WHITE women only should have the right to vote. See "Spreading Misandry" by Nathanson and Young).
You know, it seems I ran into a similar problem with another SAFE link posted here a few months ago..if you guys want to be "human rights" then why are you even focusing on gender?? Maybe some third world country will listen to you.
Get a clue.


P.S: Are you telling Bush he should "bargain" with terrorists? After all, terrorist are human beings too. Maybe we should sympathize with their methods and point of view.

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I didn’t post those links, I didn’t advocate safe as a grand organization. I stated I don’t know them. I own spreading misandry and legalizing misandry. I was trying to say, I'm a MRA because I feel our society is very gynocentric or simply feminist right now. I would simply like for me or my offspring, boy or girl, to live in a humanist society someday, I think that’s the goal. I absolutely don’t think befriending active feminists is the way to get there at all. I am fully aware most feminists are female supremacist. I am not trying to sound extreme, the lying about rape and dv, the vawa that came from lies, their blatant superior attitude with the boy crises, their demonizing masculinity and their trying to make obsolete the role of father, you know, ect,ect,ect,ect, it's the truth. I just HOPE there will be a point in time where there is no such need for feminists or mra’s. I think that is the ultimate goal in the future Humancentric? I don’t think that will ever happen without mra’s or anti-feminist women activists.

You have to look at the work safe does, admitadly I haven’t, if this organization supports men that are abused they are already doing 100% more than feminists in the past, if they are affiliated with feminists but are actually providing service for and helping men, I can forgive them. I do wonder if a feminist has dropped the whole “women are the victims of man” worldview and starts considering or helping men can they really still be feminists?

I don’t follow blindly but don’t mistrust blindly either, if something is found out to be a scam or counter productive to men than I would expose it.

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I don't really think SAFE is a scam, it just would worry me if they think that ideological feminists are truly seeking equality, and that we should try to work with them (the feminists). The way I see it, most feminists (not just ideological) have shown that they have absolutely no intention of establishing a dialog with men, but instead a one-way monologue from them TO men.

Sorry if I went overboard.


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"The way I see it, most feminists (not just ideological) have shown that they have absolutely no intention of establishing a dialog with men, but instead a one-way monologue from them TO men."

Could not agree more.

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