Duke Lacrosse Players seek federal intervention

Lawyers for the three railroaded Duke Lacrosse Players have sought federal intervention from the U.S. Attorney General. They have clearly demonstrated that their civil rights have been violated and that a higher branch of government must step in to protect it's citizens from out an of control local government. I can't help but wonder if this is history in the making? Perhaps we as MRAs will look back on these events as the beginning of our own revolution which has been so long in the making?

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"Perhaps we as MRAs will look back on these events as the beginning of our own revolution which has been so long in the making?"

There will be no revolution... No one is going to blame the woman or examine this as part of a bigger problem of false accusations made by women. Instead, the focus will be be either on an incompetent DA, or a DA drunk with power, corrupt, trying to get elected by appeasing any group. It only focuses on the bigger picture of gender and discrimination when the woman is the "victim." After years of stories, you must realize this by now, silly rabbit....

Evil White Male Oppressor
"I am Not a Number I am a Free Man"

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Unfortunately, you may be right that this is no revolution. However, the main stream media in reporting on this case has brought the crime of false rape allegations to the public consciousness at large. The publicity in this area has been priceless. So it may not be the clarion call for revolution but it has advanced men's rights indirectly.

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The political heat is obviously on. This just in.


The N.C. Bar Association has filed ethics charges against the bastard. And I hope they nail that maggot but good! Where does Nifong think he is? Britain? Canada?

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This article is proof that it's not about false rape accusations, but about a corrupt DA. There will be no outcry regarding what this does to men, in fact, mark my words, the accuser will be forgotten. We wouldn't want to put her througth any more trauma, poor dear. Instead, the real victims, the Duke Lacrosse players, have had their names mentioned almost constantly with the words rape and sexual assault from the get go. No, there will be no revolution....

Evil White Male Oppressor
"I am Not a Number I am a Free Man"

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